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At the heart of Valdonia's government lies the Vesperia family, an ancient and distinguished lineage that traces its roots back to the founding of the realm. Lord Vesperia, the patriarch of the family, holds the paramount position as the ruler of Valdonia. Under his governance, the Vesperia family oversees all matters of state, ensuring the realm's prosperity and security.
The Vesperia family's influence extends through the entire realm, with each of the five provinces under their dominion. The eldest sons and daughters of Lord Vesperia, preside over the five provinces, Blightstone, Misthaven, Thornfeld, Dreadmoor and Ebonwatch. Their rule is characterized by a blend of tradition, efficiency, and a deep commitment to the prosperity of the realm.
Supporting the Vesperia family are the 32 noble houses of Valdonia. While not holding the same level of authority as the Vesperias, these noble houses play crucial roles in the realm's governance. One noble house is granted rulership over a specific township within a province, tasked with maintaining order, prosperity, and loyalty to the Vesperia family. The selection of the ruling noble house is a matter of great import, with loyalty to the Vesperia family being the foremost criteria.


@Ebonwatch holds the responsability of training, maintaining and commanding the Valdonian Blackguard, her armies and the Enthralled.  The military is comprised of Vampiric warriors, while the typical guardsman is an enslaved thrall, under the direct charm and controll of the Vesperia family.   Lord ___________, sovereign leader of the Province and commander of the Blackguard is a ruthless tactician, his only concern; brutal efficiency.  He's an invertible tyrant.


The majority of Valdonias vampire population are devoted to The Seven, worshiping the aspects of Death and Strife.  It is said that the dark machinations of The Seven, through some ancient dark bargains, is what gives the Vampires their imortal unlife.  The Human populace, are often forced to reveer their bloodthirsty overlords as local deifications.  In secret, many send prayer to the Old Gods; whether those prayers are heard, is yet to be known.

Agriculture & Industry

Thornfeld Province, a province known for having the only fertile fields in Valdonia, is the heartland of agriculture. The rest of Valdonia is only capable of growing bleak grey root vegetables and bland basic bounties.  Thortnfeld has the fertility to grow fruits and vegetables, salad greens, wheats and oats.  This food, however, is only needed to feed the Human population, for the Vampires, of course do not require traditional sustinence; they need the blood, that those Humans so freely produce.  The Lord of this prosperous province, _____________ is obsessed about this fact.  He is truly fascinated by what different nutrition does to the quality of one's blood.  He works tirelessly to curate, update and mandate the food that is distributed throughout Valdonia.  He also has a keen curiousity, if it were ever possible, to taste real food.  He has been working to create a fusion food, something the Vampires could actually eat; something pallatable, that also satisfies the hunger.  Thornfeld's is located between Misthaven and Dreadmoor, which allows for efficient distribution of agricultural goods to neighboring provinces.

Blightstone Province, on the other hand, is a powerhouse for mining operations. Its rich deposits of precious metals and valuable minerals are expertly extracted and processed, contributing significantly to Valdonia's economic prosperity.  The prosperity of the Vampire Nobility to be specific.  Life eternal becomes dull without fineries and eloquence.  Not to mention the weaponry and armour that the forces of Ebonwatch require to maintain order within Valdonia, and, to maintain their presence and pressure on the Human kingdom of Lorretriel to the east.  The province's skilled workforce, and state-of-the-art facilities ensure the continuous production of high-quality resources.  Due, in no small part, to the Provinces Lord, ____________.  He is a prodigy of production, an engineer at heart, task master extrodinaire.  He rules the mines of Blightstone with a ruthless efficiency, with mandated quotas, and the most severe punishments for tose lacking. Located to the North of Misthaven, nestled in the mountain ranges to the East of Ashenval, Blightstone is able to distribute it's materials throughout the land with ease.

@Dreadmoor with its vast and ancient forests, reigns as the primary source of lumber in Valdonia. The province's timber industry is known for its Crimson Core wood, which the supply of is carefully balanced with the needs of industry and the forests ecosystem.  Crimson Core wood, is prized across the Forsaken Realms.  Its sturdy, yet maliable form, makes it a perfect material for crafting the finest wooden tools, structures and seafaring vessels.  Though this prized wood is not the only thing that Dreadmoor is known for.  Its dark and twisted forests harbour some of the most vile monstrosities known to the realms.  Stories of dread and forlorn encounters spread throughout the villages and cities dotted throughout it's vast haunted woods.  The Lord of Dreadmoor, ____________ is a proprietor of fine craftsmanship.  He, like many other of the Noble class, enjoy the intricacies of fine wood carvings, and the opulence of Crimson Core furniture.  The strdiness of good woodwork is something of a passion for this man.  Another passion of his; hunting.  The forests of Dreadmoor offer the ultimate hunting grounds, yet, for all the monstrosities and abominations one could hunt, Lord ____________, enjoys the hunt of the human.

Trade & Transport

Misthaven Province the heart of Valdonian commerce, stands as a linchpin for the entire region's trade and transport network. Its strategic location along key routes ensures a steady flow of goods and services. The city boasts a bustling marketplace where merchants from various regions converge to exchange wares.  The Misthaven Port serves as a vital gateway for maritime trade, facilitating the import and export of goods to and from Valdonia. Well-maintained roads connect Misthaven to surrounding townships, ensuring efficient land-based transportation. Additionally, a network of reliable caravans and trade carriages facilitates commerce between Misthaven and neighboring provinces.  The Lord of Misthaven, ______________, is a baron of business.  An entrepreneur extrodinaire.  Taking the enjoyment of all things lavish to an entirely new level, _____________, is a purveyor of antiquities and exotics.  He enjoys owning things that no one else does, often times, this is people.  Amongst the curiosities and opulence, a museum of sorts.  A display of downtrodden and dysmal people, each a captive of this mans twisted desires, each a unique race or of intensely individual heritage.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Major Exports
The fabled Crimson Core wood of Dreadmoor, a popular commodity across the Forsaken Realms; Lord Vesper takes full advantage of this.  Those nations unable to be extorted, or, perhaps aligned with the Vampire's dark desires, have their deals sweetened.  In addition to the respectful offer of not taking over their nation, some have the extreme privelage to purchase Crimson Core wood.  Normally reserved for the most elite of nobility, the wood is sometimes sold to neighboring lands.
Major Imports
Lord Vesperia extorts foreign lands for various imported goods in exchange for certain agreements. The Vampires of Valdonia agree not to simply invade, or expand beyond the black gates, the rest of the world pays them dutifully.  Most of such deals have been brokered long ago, and under much durress, on the part of the foreign dignitaries.  Extortion at it's finest.
Official State Religion

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