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Campaign: Master Plot - Vampires of Valdonia

The over-arching plotline of Valdonia and the core story to the Campaign.  Outlining the main conflicts and core history of Valdonia and its inhabitants.  A Grim-Dark Gothic Fantasy setting with dystopian themes of horror.


Dystopian Gothic Horror
Signs of disease, people couging up blood or looking ill.
Ash falls from the sky at all times, sometimes at a different severity, but always present.
Everyone wears ragged clothing, dull greys and browns, in-fact nothing seems to have much colour.
Food is scarce and bland, potatoes, raddishes and turnips are some of the only food that grow outside of Thornfeld.



The year is 1837 and the world is in an era of its darkest times. One place, however, looms darker than the rest. Valdonia. A region covered in the ashfall of Mt. Vesper, and surrounded by the Black Gates. This cursed place is ruled by an immortal and ancient family of bloodthirsty vampire lords. One of the most influential and ruthless families known to man, the Vesperia Family. Lord Noctis, the patriarch of the family is rumored to be hundreds possibly thousands of years old, and his malice knows no bounds. There are five provinces within Valdonia, each ruled by the Vesperias eldest sons and daughters, ensuring the family maintains a tight grip on the country.
  The human population of Valdonia are quite literally held captive. The massive Black Gates that surround each province prevent anyone from leaving, and they are held to a strict caste system and opressive laws that practically guarentee suffering. This opression is the least of their worries however. The Cattle Call, is an annual ritualistic event, where tributes are sent to the capital to be enthralled, or harvested. Citizens are rounded up, each province having their own means and methods of doing so, and the prisoners are transported to Ashenval, where Lord Noctis and the rest of the Vesperia Family reside. These poor souls are inspected like a herd of cattle, those fit for service are enthralled and sent to their respective duties, while the vast majority are drained of their blood. A crimson feast is held in a grand masquerade ball where all the Lords and Ladies are in attendance, a celebration of their harvest, a testament to their power, their superiority.
  There stands a glimour of hope in all this dispair however; The Order of the Silver Sun. Hunters in the night, warriors and justice seekers. A vastly intricate and sprawling organization of exorcists and exterminators that fight the Vampiric opression. The Order has numbers and resources, they have tactics and leadership, they are well organized and have hindered many of the Vampires plans, a constant thorn in their side. Unfortunately, no more than a thorn. With all their organization and might, the Order of the Silver Sun is still a pale comparison to the opressive power of the Vampire courts.


Each protagonist in our story has their own personal connection and conflict with the Vampire Lords and Ladies of Valdonia, each of them is seeking the Order of the Silver Sun to find answers to their own questions;   Belladona- Owes the Order her life and is dedicated to the cause.

Miriel- Joined the Order recently, looking to prove herself and find someone she's lost.

Persephone- Family taken by the Vampires, she is searching for answers.

Rovaald- The Vampires have hurt his people, kidnapped or killed members of his family, he seeks answers and revenge.

Bulwark- Is on an international mission to research the Vampires, has a pure dedication to his job.

Forgath- Is on a pilgrimage? or maybe it was revenge..? have to ask again.

Rising Action

Each one of our protagonists have recieved news about a particular person offering information on the Order of the Silver Sun, our adventurers have all come from many different locations to find this man; The Peddler.
  But that is only what brings our adventurers together, through these first interactions and the meeting with 'The Peddler' this unlikely group will form a team working under The Order of the Silver Sun, each with their own motivations and goals, however, working together to thwart the Vampires regime at any chance they can.
Plot type
Campaign: Master Plot - Vampires of Valdonia
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