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Lunar arts

this is an ability gained by the Believers of Luna     This ability is considered one of the harder ones to get because Luna does not give this ability to all of her followers like Sol does. she makes sure they are both mentaly and physicaly ready for it as well as being a devout follower.   When you use this ability you are able to take away the force of anything and then redirect it to someplace else.    

Lunar and Solar arts Incident

  umbra found out how broken the Lunar arts and solar arts are. Umbra fought a 2 on 1 with some kids he trained a while back to see how far they have got in training. They had what could be considerd a earth trembeling battle. Umbra in his exhalted form and the boys in their demon forms.(Exalted and demon forms)   At some point When the 2 boys locked hands with umbra who where using the solar arts to its max potential setting their bodies ablaze while umbra was using the lunar arts.   This is when umbra noticed something. He was constantly storing the massive amounts of energy the boys were putting out but it had nowhere to really go.   If he sent at the boys he might really hurt them even though he could just heal them later he did not want to have to go through all of that.   So he kicked to boys back and shot the energy into the sky. It destroyed the atmosphere and the surrounding area of where they where fighting. So he had to fix it all.   They only reason they all were ok was because they have to bodies of gods. If a normal person or people tried to do that the solar arts users would die from over use and the lunar arts would surely die from the recoil of the blast and probably taking out everybody else with them.   If people found out they could do this alot of people would die. Some one using lunar arts under a waterfall could turn into a bomb at some point.


take away any forces power and direct it back at them.

Side/Secondary Effects

Recoil- if you are not strong enough to handle it or dont redirect it the right way, the recoil will blast you to bits.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Related Organizations
Related Element


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