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Lurkers are creatures that live in huge packs and when they hunt you never hear them coming no matter how many there are. They thrive in the dark and recede in the light. when you go into a forest infested with these things its best to sleep with a bright light on or a fire.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

They have four arms with pointed spear like ends they walk/run on all fours like a spider their bodies are like a circular rectangle with a mouth like a spider

Genetics and Reproduction

if they are left unattended they will grow at an alarming rate

Growth Rate & Stages

they grow really fast are basically ready to hunt the moment they are born

Additional Information


if you can kill the mother and take its brain you can control them

Average Intelligence

their intelligence is based on the intelligence of the mother
Genetic Ancestor(s)
5 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
their skin color is black


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Dec 13, 2023 23:09

Here I was thinking I'd outgrown a nightlight lol.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Dec 14, 2023 04:07

Now that i think about it i literaly dreamed up lurker and made a story that revolved Around them.   It might have been from my childhood fear of aliens because i saw an older kid play An alien game when i was six and it scared me for about a year and a half.