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Mother Lurker

The mother lurker of course in the mother of Lurkers. They are bigger and many times harder to kill. her mood is the pack's mood   she dies the pack dies. Her body and brain can be saved so you can control the pack

Basic Information


Body is in the shape of a circular triangle and has 3 scorpion like tails in the back used to attack/defend has six legs shell/exoskeleton has potent venom in tail


they are very aggressive when it comes to hunting. if she and her pack are well fed then they will ignore you

Additional Information

Social Structure

She gets fed first then the lurkers


if you gain her trust she wont kill you

Uses, Products & Exploitation

the venom

Average Intelligence

over time it gets smarter and even able to speak near the end of its life span
Genetic Descendants
10,000 years
Conservation Status
this species is marked for death
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
has Redish skintone
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