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psychic subterranean

this is an giant monster that lives underground and feeds on the mind and body of those unfortunate to pass over it or even around its area. its immobile but its mind is strong.

Basic Information


it is humanoid with four limbs and a head  it is really large it almost seems skinny  think of a big weird looking stick figure

Genetics and Reproduction


Dietary Needs and Habits

it will take over the mind of those above it and when become unconscious  they pull them underground and eat them slowly.   they only need one person to survive for years but it will take more than it needs.


it will mercilessly feed on ones mind. it will spare you if your mind is strong enough to with stand it or you get out of its range. it might even complement you.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

it has eyes on its head but they are useless. it can sense others in an area with psychic abilitys

Civilization and Culture


It's not really known where these things come from but they are extremely dangerous but very easy to evade. if you start to come near a rancid smelling really dense forest and you start to feel nauseous as you approach it then Turn Around it is very unlikely you will with that mental battle.   from field reports it is said that if you fall victim you do not die instantly. you fall unconscious and slowly sink into the ground. It is said that it will kill and eat you then.   the areas that are affected by them are gated off and only those who wear a official Exo suit  that is capable of a dimension shift and have at passed a mental stress test are allowed to enter
Genetic Descendants
Conservation Status
Average Height
500ft - 600ft
Average Length
500 ft - 600 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking


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