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The Pit

he pit is a hole that was found in the forest. after its discovery a party of field workers and researchers numbering 20 was sent in to figure out what was at the bottom and also why the hole was there to begin with.   they all came back overall ok. the report they gave said that at the bottom of the pit(500ft) there was a horisontal tunnel. they had encounterd shadow creatures down in the pit that would get near and around them but never interacting. they just watched from a distance.   in the dark you could see two white pin prick eyes but when you flashed your light at them they would dissapear. then when they got deeper they started to hear wispering sounds all around them that got louder and louder as they went on. some of the members started to panic so they decided it was time to head back up.   the next day they sent in fewer people as a scouts(something they should have done first). they got further in past the wispering and came to an large open area underground. the main thing they notices was the silence. one of the members pointed out a pair of eyes that was in a darker area further down in the cave that the light could not penetrate. they noticed that they were larger and were red. figuring it would disappear they shined a brighter light. instead of it disapearing they caught a glance at something. there was a small humanoid figure standing but hunched over looking at them and it receded into the darkness when the light was shined at it.   they told the above team what they saw. it was unknown if it could be dangerous so they were told to head back up. Later that day a team ready to combat what ever it was went down into the pit. they passed the eyes and wispering and got to the opening. they did not encounter the creature in the opening and considered making it a check point. after exploring the opening it was deemed a safe space. They led the rest of the party into the opening and made a gate blocking people from going furthr into the tunnel, or thing coming in.   Checkpoint 1   They set up lights and a camp. The researchers were going back to the first tunnel as it was deemed safe and started to document and map out the place. they also tried to test the shadows to see what would happen. They tried to find the source of the wispers and i they meant anything.   A scouting partyof four was made and was preparing to do deeper into the cave and tunnel. They opened the gate started on their way. they were walking for awhile when one of the members pointed out that their lights started to get dimmer. They kept this in mind and pressed on. then they got to a point where their light got increamintaly dimmer. They marked the area with a stake and pressed forward. When their lights stoped working they tried to use brighter lights and even the Exo suits advanced night vision but it did not work. They were in complete darkness.   The member who pointed out the lights tried the heat vision. It worked but only alittle bit. They could now see each other and the sides the tunnle to a point. the started to put down lights not for the light but the heat they gave off to mark their path. the did this for the rest of the way and as they were making proggress thats when their heat picked up something that was not them. They could not make it out through the heat vision but it was just standing there watching. One of them turned off their heat vision to try to take a look. they saw it clear as day. there were red eyes looking at them. they tried to use their light but it still did not work. they were only there to scout so they decided that two looking forward and two looking backwards was the best option and to slowly back out to the checkpoint. before long it was out of sight but they kept up the formation. When they got back they told everybody what they saw and started to make plans to combat it.   The only problem was how. They did not really know anything about it. They decided to lure it out and trap it then find out that way since it did not disappar but ran away the first time they saw it. They turned out the lights and called it a day. They stayed awake in shifts sitting in the darkness tallking but watching for the creature. One of the party members got hungry and decided to cook some meat. as they were eating they saw the red eyes again. They were right behind the gate just looking at them. they put out the fire and went to go hide and watched them to see what would happen. To their surprise the eyes went straight through the gate and to where the fire was. the eyes were floating their for a while. then it started to head over to the party member who decided to cook the meat. He stood there not moving. he was too scared to. the eyes got closer and closer. They were right next to him. He was surprised at how low the eyes were compared to him and then the eyes spoke. In his language they asked for food.   One of the other party members took this chance to sneak up behind the creature and trap it in a cage they had. The creature tried to get out clawing at the cage. They turned on the main camp light. The creature started to scream in pain. the rest of the party woke up with all the noise and came to see what was going on. they Took a good look at it. It had black fur but they could not figure out what it was. it was short and kinda chubby and had feline like ears and a fluffy tail. it slowly opened its eyes to reveal two big crimsion eyes.   It starting yelling "let me go" to the the party and asking " Why have you traped me".   Once they got it to calm down the researchers started to ask it questions like what it was and how it knew how to speak. The creature looked overwhelemed by the situation.   One of the reasearchers stoped the others and told them to leave to cute little guy alone. They gave the creature some food and started asking if the creature knew what it was and if it could tell them and that a name would be nice to know.   The creature game them his name and said that he was a (Place holder).   The rest of the party seen that as a sign to start giving their names and speices.   there were felines, canines, bovids. lagomorphs and humans. This made the creature feel a little better but it still asked to be let out of the cage.   They let him out after they made him promise not to run away. He told them that there was a whole community of them further down in the cave and that the cave was huge. He also told them that the Check point was was forbidden by the elders and he wanted to exsplore it and that is why he was up there. The party took a liking to him and told him he could be apart of it if he wanted. he agreed and was given a backpack to carry as he was now a guide     They sent a hunting party out side of the pit and went to go get food. they took the creature with them so he could see the outside world. they even gave him sunglasss so he was not blinded by the sun.   They went back down into the pit and went further into the cave with the creature leading the way. as they were making their way the researchers started a conversation with the creature exchanging info about where and how they lived. Before they knew it they were in another opening but instead of it being pitch black it was dimly lit by crystals around the cave.   The researchers made it a point to ket a look at the crystals after the party set up camp there and made another check point.   Checkpoint 2     After setting up camp the researchers went to go look at the crystals. some stayed with the creature asking him more question. while some others were around him because they thought he was cute, he was gitting alot of attention and at this point he was enjoying it.   one key thing that was gathered about the creature was that he thought the dimly lit area was bright. after he revealed this fact the party decided to permanantly give him a pair of shade. because it would help him and because it made him look cute/cool.   after all that they set up a fire and cooked some food for everybody, they talked , had fun, and discused what they would do going forward then went to bed.   The next day they asked the creature if it was safe to continue. he said it was but they set up a gate anyway. as they were packing up to leave about five more (Place holder) came through the gate.   They started yelling about how they were going to save their friend. The party easily subdued them and tied them up. The creature explained to his friends what was happening. they were given some food and and water. they said they would join the party aswell. now the party was a party of 26.   They continued to go further into the cave and eventually came to another opening.   The City   When they came out of the tunnel they were in complete darkness. it was not till their eyes adjusted that they saw the city that was down there. There was a whole civilization underground and they could just barley see it due to the crystals. The party was was led down to the city. as they were making their was through the city many of the inhabatants accepted them with no hesitation and started asking about the surface. the party stayed in the city for about a week with no problems. it was not till the elders got in contact with them that things started going wrong. The party then started to have a few meetings with the elders    going over intentions and why they were there.   The leader of the party decided that the best course of action would be for the creatures  was to go to the surface where they could thrive with the help of the Diamond kingdom. it took some time but the elders were convinced but only those that wanted to go to the surface would go.    about half of the city decided they wanted to go to the surface. they built a city on the surface around the pit. They were thriving.  Then some started to get unofficaly hired to help out on the field. thats when it got popular and them being helpers was made into a profesion
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