Achiwa Building / Landmark in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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by hughpierre

Purpose / Function

Achiwa is a royal retreat for the Tupaq Yupankip Panakan family line and the Pachakutiq Yupankip Panakan before them.


House Complex

Achiwa Is made-up of 12 buildings around three courtyards paved in white limestone. Most of the walls only reach shoulder-height but wooden roof beams, from the unworkable huarango tree, stretch to hold the various roofs.   It is strange that Achiwa is kept on as a royal palace. Only three buildings are actually suitable for habitation:
  1. Tower: A round tower of fieldstone walls and a magnificent view of the landscape. The topmost room has huge windows with thick silver frames.
  2. Main House: A two story tall courthouse that links the outer courtyard to the inner courtyard to the tower.
  3. Guest House: A segregated lodging closest to the cliff edge or flooded shore.



Achiwa rest at a coastal-facing cutout of Sanka. It technically has only one approach. But when the flood waters come; the gentle cliff becomes a shallow beach, with gravel in place of sand, and approachable by boat.



The inhabited parts of the tower's interior is regularly whitewashed with lime from burned seashells. The rest of the compound retains its initial exposed-brick look. Though weathered, they remain structurally sound.


Precise Fitting

The building stones are speckled with chips of sparkling mica that reflect the light of dawn and dusk to light whole rooms.   When it came under the royal family's possession, it was but a modest ruin in a defensible location and repurposed into a fort.
However, it's isolation outstripped this purpose and was renovated into a modest getaway.


In the dry season, Achiwa normally overlooks the miles Hayaqiago's blackness from its mountain heights; 4,500ft above the sea.   In the wet season, Achiwa becomes a quaint beachside home where its seasonal residents can trek a short ways to swim and fish

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