Ca-Chisneu Settlement in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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by hughpierre

Ca-Chisneu is the physical, political and spiritual center of the Innoit universe. Every aspect of the city reflects its cosmic importance as it was built in the outline of a couching puma to symbolize the power of the earth.
Specifically, the Sapa's power over the earth.



Ca-Chisneu is the capital of the Innoit. It is a place where many high ranking nobles are required to live. Even the governors of the four major regions are required to have a home in Ca-Chisneu and to live one fourth of the year in the city.   Commoners do not live in the city.


A nobleman's household staff and entourage stay in their master's compound.


Higher social class commoners who work on crafts such as pottery or gold jewelry for the nobles.


Workers from far flung districts, fulfilling their mit'a obligations, are housed in the lower reaches.   These obligations can include working on buildings or other items for the resident nobles.


Sun Court

Innoit's centralized bureaucracy drews upon the administrative forms and traditions of other civilizations. It bares similar practices with its contemporary rivals, notably the salt people of Suamox, who also call their court: the Sun Court. Its institutions and practices are understood, articulated and elaborated through cosmological thought.  
The heir apparent chosen by the Sapa and his councilors, though his position can be revoked at any time. He occupies the first place of royal lineage, but has to leave when he becomes the new Sapa to form a panaka of his own.  
The rest of the empire-wide administration that make up the Qosqo Central, the Suyu Quarters and the Decimal Administration.  
The 'children of the sun' who constitutes the rest of the innoit population, who generally do not play an active role in court politics but are still employed by them.


The site is built upon a tall mount surrounded by the natural crater walls that are twice the height of the cusp itself.   The bone milk surrounds Ca-Chisneu like a toxic moat. It serves as the second defensive line against foreign conquest, right after the crater wall's steep incline. Contact with the white water can bleach clothes and severely burn and irritate the eyes, skin, nose, and throat; possibly causing permanent damage. All of which will not be help in an exertive situation.


Ca-Chisneu is organized in two halves: hanan (upper) and hurin (lower). Each half was also divided in two with each quarter relating to one of the four regions of the empire.


The upper set of Hanan Chisneu is associated with Chinchisuyu and Antisuyu.
Saqsaywaman occupies the head of the city's puma shape. Dedicated to the sun, this temple stands in Hanan as the counterpart to Qorikancha in Hurin.
The residences of the panacas of the innoit rulers house themselves in a group of buildings surrounding a courtyard, all within an enclosing wall.


The lower set of Hurin Chisneu is associated with Kollasuyu and Kontisuyu.
The golden enclosure is the religious center of the empire. Dedicated to the sun, it is the most important temple in Tawantinsuyu and is the counterpart to the Saqsaywaman, in Hanan. Its walls are covered in gold and visible throughout.   From the Qorikancha, 41 ceque lines or sacred pathways link the temple to the many wakas throughout the empire.
Workers' Suburbs
Several neighborhoods housed workers who came to Ca-Chisneu to give their labor to the state as part of the mit'a. When their service was done, they returned to their villages.


Hawkaypata is the center of Ca-Chisneu. Dedicated to the creator god Tiqzi Wiracocha, this grand open space is used for ritual and ceremony. It is filled with white sand from the silver coast where offerings are buried.   The four main roads of the Qhapaq Ñan ran from the four sides of Hawkaypata into the four regions of Tawantinsuyu.


Starting on the north and clockwise, the districts of the puma are:


The "Storehouse District" holds Hawkaypata, the great quipu repository, smaller libraries and food warehouses.


The "Kantu Flowers District" is an overflowing garden paradise for the residents to relax.


The "Puma's Spinal Column" is also the main street of this district that outline the Puma's back.


The "Hollow Salt District" is a worker district located at the cusp base for making chuño.

Munay Senqa

"District of the Pretty Nose" located in by the Puma's snout.

Rimaq Panpa

The "Speaking Plaza" located on the Puma's chest.

Pumaq Chupan

The "Puma's Tail" contains the fountain in front of the Chicharia located on the precipice on the Cusp.

K'ayao Cachi

The "Salt Formation District" is a well funded worker district for making ch'arki.

Ch'akill Chaka

Corresponds to the double neighbourhoods of Asukar and Blin.


The name means "Summit" or "Mountain" reflecting the tallest point in the city.


The "Kestrel District" or the "Sparrow Hawk District" located before Piqchu.


The district of Sacsayhuamán where valuable agriculture like coca are delivered.


The "Temple Doorway" lies on root street where unsavory rumours, superstitions and services are said to take place.


Rope Bridges

Rope bridges are an integral part of the road system. In between the crater wall and Ca-Chisneu stretches a wide and long rope bridge over the Bone Milk river.   These structures are used to connect clear spans between two land masses of 150 feet or more. Most bridges are built using twisted mountain grass, other vegetations and saplings that support travelers and animals and withstand weather conditions over certain amounts of time.

Guilds and Factions


The cult of the Sun conducts its rituals, sacrifices, predictions and inductions of new priests on the Roca Courtyard. A few stout temples decorated with gold, silver and precious stones are also run by the Sun Priests and Virgins who oversee daily religious rituals, weddings and funerals.  


Royal ayllus are created when a Sapa dies and their accumulated wealth are transferred to that royal ayllu. This can include vacant land, estates, fields, gold and more. There are currently 12 panacas in the empire, but only 3 that reside full time in the capital: the Condor, the Puma and the Snake.   All are believed to the conduit of communication between the living and the dead ruler. They are heavily involved with the political and ceremonial affairs of the state.

Points of interest


Pachakuteq's palace forms the corner towards the plaza's northeast and connecting onto Silver Street.
Towards the north of the previous is the palace of Innoit Roqa.
Kiswar Kancha
Innoit Wiraqocha's palace is the spot where today is a collapsed temple.
Suntur Wasi
In front of that palace is a cylindrical building with conical roofing that serves as the arms and emblems house.
Hatun Kancha
A palace belonging to Innoit Yupanqui east of the previous.
Ajlla Wasi
Virgins of the Sun's House on the northeast side of Amari Kancha.
Amaru Kancha
The palace of Wayna Qhapaq occupied by the Sapa's Panacas, surrounded by the Avenue to the Sun, Affliction Road and Marching Street.
Suntur Wasi
In front of the last palace, there is another armoury and heraldry centre for the Innoit royalty.
The city's downtown area has the palace of Tupaq Innoit Yupanqui, with magnificent walls as seen enclosed by the streets of Fishing, Armies, Corners and Courts.
Palace of Hatunrumiyoq
The naturally green rock wall is famous for its over-sized angled stone that belonged to Innoit Roqa, but today is the Willaq Umu's palace.

Qollqanpata Palace
Located near the fortress of Sacsayhuamán and was supposedly the property of the first Innoit Manko Qhapaq.


Pillow-Faced Architecture

An innovation in construction where three-dimensional chunks of stone interconnect in unique configurations from loose bags of sand and gravel of varied sizes. These bags are made to conform to uneven surfaces and harden into plaster covered walls.



Cusp is the central peak of a crater complex that formed from the uplifting of material following a meteor impact. It is surrounded by a smooth, radar-dark floor giving the appearance of a dark halo that subdues the roughness of the steep and bright crater walls.   The pinnacle of cusp contains an array of four jagged mounds:
  1. The highest peak forms the ear of the jaguar of Ca-Chisneu.
  2. The second highest opens to the jaguar's mouth.
  3. The next peak is covered with the hind leg.
  4. The lowest peak is grasp by its front paw.


A pocket of hot air is naturally contained within the crater. Year-round aridity preserves the crater's delicate features, as moisture has little chance to erode the rock into soil.   Most precipitation comes in through winter snows as slightly warmed rain. It does not rain often in the crater, but the wettening helps sustain the shrubs and small animals loose between the bone river and the crater walls.

Alternative Name(s)
  • Puma City
  • Crouching Cat
  • Old Chisneu
  • Type
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Owning Organization
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