Umihebi, Sister of the Sea

One of the Four Sisters, a goddess of the seas, ryu, and water. She resides in the Well of the Depths on the Sister of the Sea, an altar to the depths and secrets of the ocean that many Yonshimese journey to. She is one of the few Sisters to leave Yonshimai, and the only one that fought in the Crusades. She is a fearsome warrior, a warden of the depths. She fights back against society's encroachment on the sea with violence, and ended the Second Crusade by killing the High Prelate of Sacratus.

Divine Domains

Oceans, the Depths, Ryu, Water, Secrets, Mysteries


The Ubiken - The saber of the sea, Umihebi's only weapon besides her teeth and claws. It is how she commands the ryu, and was the legendary blade that split the heart of Paladin Damasus, then parted High Prelate Dionisius from his head at the end of the Second Crusade. It appears as a curved blade sculpted of sea foam around the tail of Umihebi, similar to a kukri.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kukri, Ryu


Geshi (Summer Solstice)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Umihebi always appears in the shape of an oceanic ryu dragon. Unlike many ryu, she has large wings, as well as ribbon-like fins.
Divine Classification
Sister of the Sea

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou