
Yonshimai, a blossoming communist nation and one of the first of its kind, it was also the first nation to declare independence from the Empire. It is located in northeast Kawakuni. Yonshimai is made up seven islands, three of the main islands of Kawakuni plus the Four Sisters. Each of the Four Sisters islands are blessed and inhabited by a different goddess, the four sisters that rule Yonshimai. Seeing the cruelty their people faced under the Empire, they encouraged them to take up arms against the Empire and declare independence. Though they have authority over Yonshimai, they are content to let their chosen priests actually rule Yonshimai, as long as they follow their tenets. The sisters each have blessed the nation with blessings of their domain of power:
  • Kazemegami, goddess of wind, who brings fair weather and favorable winds.
  • Kionna, deity of fertility and agriculture (usually appears as female but their gender frequently changes), who brings green fields and plentiful crop.
  • Umihebi, dragon goddess of the sea, who brings bountiful fishing and protects Yonshimai from disasters.
  • Midorijosei, goddess of fields and woods, protector of nature and hunters.


Priests (kannushi) carry out the tenets of the Four Sisters, and are chosen by them to lead the region around their shrine. They can be voted out of office by the people at any time but this has not happened yet. The Sisters offer advice to their kannushi and people.


Shinobi are often summoned for battles, and roam the borders between missions. War-priests are priests chosen by the Four Sisters that operate under other priests until battle, who lead volunteer soldiers. These soldiers usually have backgrounds as shinobis, samurai, ronin, mercenaries, or Imperial soldiers.


Most follow the tenets of the Four Sisters and worship them, but often people pray to many other Kawakunese gods and spirits. All religions are explicitly welcome.

Mythology & Lore

The sisters fell into the sea after the first procreation of Izanagi and Izanami, raising the sands from the ocean to each form an island. They blessed these islands and spread their blessings as far as they can reach, to the large islands of Yonshimai.

Tenets of Faith

I. One should act with compassion towards all living things.   II. Justice and truth must be pursued, even in spite of rules, institutions, and expectations.   III. One's body and mind belong to only oneself.   IV. The freedom of others must be respected. To encroach unjustly on the freedom of others is to forgo your own.   V. Nature shall be respected, and shall not be unjustly or greedily encroached upon. The laws of nature are inevitable and must not be distorted in ones mind.   VI. One will make mistakes, and one should rectify any harm caused.   VII. Kindness, intelligence, justice, and harmony should prevail over any written or spoken word, even the tenets.


Worship takes place at shrines. There are major shrines scattered throughout Kawakuni, and in Yonshimai they became the center of the regions that make up the nation. There are also far more minor shrines, hokora, scattered throughout the nation. Daily worship is usually done at hokora or haiden (halls of worship, usually found in larger towns and cities), but followers frequently worship at the main shrine.


Kannushi care for their shrines, chosen by the Four Sisters, and the region surrounding their shrines. They assist followers with spiritual and personal matters, as well as leading in judicial matters. Some wear the typical religious vestments of the Empire, white robes known as kariginu, as well as shaku scepter-tablets, but some wear miko, or other robes or clothing. They are all appointed by the Four Sisters with the consent of the chosen.

Strength in Unity

Founding Date
851 CE
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
The Four Sisters
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Most transactions use the barter or gift system, but Akian Mon are still valued the same as before the civil war.
Judicial Body
Priests often judge minor crimes, but the people usually function as the judicial body, voting directly at public trials.
Executive Body
For minor crimes, priests usually enforce minor laws with the help of the people. For crimes that cannot be directly dealt with by priests, shinobi are dispatched to bring criminals to trial.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

At War