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Atreshan was discovered over 400 years ago by a group of settlers. They managed to befriend some of the locals and made some enemies along the way.    Because of a series of events, Atreshan is now a bustlin hub on the outskirts of Skyshard territory, their local alcoholic beverage, makes it one of the richest regions, if you are of the upper-class that is. The descendants of the original settlers and their Grung allies are now treated as second-hand citizens, living under the oppressive rule of a corrupt bureacracy.


Atreshan is shaped like a roughly drawn upside-down U. It is mostly level with three large seas. There's a large mountain range spanning most of the starboard side of the Plane. Enormous forests filled with dangerous creatures are spread across.   Several smaller planes float nearby, but most of them offer not enough room for a settlement, that they've been left untouched.


Most of Atreshan enjoys a temperate climate with mediterenean weather rulling the immediate areas around the inner seas. The mountains at starboard side have a subartic climate

Natural Resources

  • Whale Oil
  • Appletites Cider
  • Sparkstone
Atreshan Base Map Image
Inhabitants over 1 million
Exported Goods Appleites Cider, Sparkstone, Whale Oil
Controlling Faction The Skyshard Federation
Government Type Bureacratic
Climate Temperate
Tech Level pre-advanced
Island, Floating
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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