Rhinoceros Species in Freelands | World Anvil


Not to be confused with the naked rhinoceros‌.

As if the mount and rider one combined in heart and soul,
In unison they move, two halves that form a single whole.
Across the fields of battle, their sight inspires dread,
Where Váryag and their mounts tread, lesser men have fled.
From the Freelander song "Auregelmir skies"
Of all beasts that ever were, which has carried the northern man the furthest? What beast has borne the northern man's burdens on their back, dragged the moraine from his lands, plowed the till beneath the glaciers where which he settled, turning the frigid cold landscape into a place to call home? It was neither equine nor bovine that gave him the wool from which he spun his thread. Neither ovine nor porcine charged at his enemies when his farm was under threat. No, the northern man's best friend is indeed the rhinoceros.

The rhinoceros, woolly rhinoceros, or simply rhino, is a large, nose-horned animal covered with long, thick hair that allows for survival in the harsh cold lands of Auregelmir. It is estimated that two thirds of all rhinos are domesticated, and serve the north as beasts of burden, transport, and war. Wild rhinos live a peaceful coexistence with humans, and often graze with their domesticated brethren in the summer.

Most peculiar is the relationship between the royal guards of Auregelmir, the Váryag, and their rhinos. Exclusively used to serve as an all-purpose mount, the recruits train alongside one or more newborn rhinos until a strong bond is formed between them. It is said a Váryag can command their beasts both with verbal and bodily gestures with ease. Some are even able to teach their rhinos a basic understanding of words and phrases, rather than simple recognition of commands. They can ride on any part of its body, with or without a saddle, and even standing by the horns.
A Váryag and his trusty rhino posing together:


A magnificent and imposing mammal, the rhino is known for its burly build and impressive adaptations to cold environments. Standing at an average back height of about 2 meters, and measuring around 4 to 4,5 meters in length, it is a sizable creature. Its elongated head features a face with small eyes positioned on either side, offering a good field of vision. A wide, blunt snout extends from the front, facilitating efficient grazing on tough vegetation and shrubs that make up its herbivorous diet. The body structure is heavily built, with a stocky frame and muscular limbs. Its broad shoulders and strong legs enable it to navigate through deep snow and rugged terrains with relative ease. Despite its hefty build, the beast is surprisingly agile, capable of quick bursts of speed when necessary.

The most striking feature of the rhino is the pair of robust horns upon its nose. The front horn is always longer, reaching lengths of up to 1,2 meters. The rear horn is noticeably shorter, never growing beyond one third of the front horn's length. Both horns are curved backward, with the front horn typically having the more prominent curve of the two.

Another distinctive physical characteristic is its dense coat of fur, which is perfectly suited for its frigid habitat. This covering consists of long, coarse hair that helps protect the rhino from the harsh temperatures prevalent in its range. The fur is predominantly a white-ish or gray color, providing excellent camouflage amidst the snow-covered rocky landscapes of Auregelmir. In the summer season its fur takes on a tan, or even brown color.


Rhinos are social creatures, and live in herds of up to two dozen individuals. These herds migrate between lowlands and highlands depending on the season, usually returning to the same areas after the seasonal change. They are somewhat territorial but surprisingly accepting of "foreign" rhinos. Males moving between herds if they are unable to attract a mate within their own is a common occurrence. Even domesticated rhinos perfectly merge and separate from existing herds when grazing during summer. Herds are led by the male (bull) with the largest forehorn. Should a bull with a larger forehorn arise within a group, a horn-butting challenge will inevitably take place, with the winner being the last to back off. If the existing alpha wins, the challenger backs off until next the mating season, or migrates to another herd. Despite the implications of this behavior, wild rhinos mate for life, and an established couple with offspring is unlikely to ever leave its herd.

Rhinos are among the most intelligent animals. Through gestures and grunts they communicate with each other with set patterns and tones. It is observed again and again that these are not instinctual, as younger individuals do not understand these without being taught by an elder. Given their ability to learn individual human words, also when used to construct sentences, it is safe to say they not only understand the concept of language but have a language of their own. They also display a vast range of emotions, including a sense of empathy shown towards even other species, such as humans or friendly dogs.

Human relationships

by Midjourney, edited
At no point in history has there been a human presence in Aurgelmir without also the rhinos being present. Rhino wool has been a staple of the fashion industry since before it became an industry. Every stone or log too heavy for man to carry has been moved by rhinos. Every army that was ever worth something was led by a man on a rhino. Needless to say, the rhinos make up a significant portion of the foundation of Auregelmir. They are symbols of growth, power, and resilience.


The royal guards of Auregelmir, the Váryag, start their training by bonding with a young rhino. This practice lays the foundation for a unique relationship that evolves over the years of their service. The Váryag are responsible for the upbringing of their rhino companions, gradually building a connection based on trust and mutual understanding. Through diligent care and attention, the guards provide for the rhino's needs, ensuring its growth and well-being. As the rhino matures, the Váryag introduce it to the world of mounted action, training it to respond to commands, maneuver deftly, and become a reliable partner in battle. Likewise, the soldier must learn the language of the rhino by partaking in social interaction with a herd.

A relationship cultivated through patience, perseverance, and shared experiences, the true measure of completion in the Váryag's training lies in the strength of the bond formed between the guard and their rhino. They become as one unit, seamlessly working together, anticipating each other's movements and intentions with remarkable precision. Together they are regarded as the mightiest soldiers of the world.

The significance of this bond is ingrained in the country's laws, and is highly regarded within Auregelmir society. Only families founded by a Váryag may incorporate the rhino as a symbol in their heraldry.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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