
Saint Venator was a Freelander saint hailing from Old Route. He was known for his many miracles of healing, his luck and marksmanship, his contributions to - and leadership of - the witch hunters, and being one of utmost few survivors of The End, passing ten years thereafter from an accumulation of curses and mutations at age 64.

Saint Venator was posthumously declared patron saint of the witch hunters. They also use his name as a title for the leader of their organization.


Early life

Saint Venator was born Venator Cobble, only child to zealous sanctists Heres and Teresa Cobble. While Mrs. Cobble spent most days tending the home or volunteering at the local shrine to Zēlos, young Venator would follow in his father's footsteps. Mr. Cobble was a tanner and a seasonal hunter, and taught his son all about his trades. The boy would soon prove to be an outstanding marksman, excelling in use of bow and crossbow (once he could afford one). He turned full-time hunter by age 14, and would often stay weeks away from home trapping and hunting for furs.
O holy Saint, bless my hunt today.
Bless my rifle and my sight.
May every shot honor thy name,
striking with purpose and care.
Let my gun be the instrument of thy will,
and every bullet be guided by thy hand.
By thy holy name, Venator,
at your command, blasphemers shall burn.

Venator's prayer
It was said time and time again that the boy must have been blessed by good fortune. When children returned home after a day of play and shenanigans, they would often come back sick, dirty, and with plenty of cuts and bruises. But not Venator, no. Whenever he came through the doors he was spotless. He never caught disease, he never broke a bone. Puddles wouldn't even muddy his breeches! There were whispers already back then that the boy was destined for sainthood.

At age 16 he attended a marksmanship competition in Southerland. The southerlanders had imported the grand prize from their native homeland of Auregelmir: a brand new matchlock rifle from the royal armory, Váryagsmia. Though he didn't end up winning, he made it to the top ten, and was allowed to try the rifle. Thus his love for firearms was born, and he soon joined up with a group of southerland hunters in hopes of saving up to buy a rifle of his own. Said group was led by a real Auregelending Váryag named Þórkæll. He was not only armed with a top of the line flintlock rifle, but also a deed for prime hunting grounds in Arkovoij. And so Venator set off from the Freelands for the first time to spend his winter months with Þórkæll's hunting party.

A saint indeed

Venator was 17 when Þórkæll's hunting expedition had made permanent camp in the Arkies. It had only been a week's time before Þórkæll had taken a tumble down a cliffside, gotten his right arm caught between some rough rocks, and nearly got his arm torn off. Venator, rushing down to help, got his own leg broken on the way, but pressed on. Reaching his hunting leader, he pried his arm from the rocks. Seeing it hanging on by flesh alone, he acted in shock and tried pressing the loose arm back onto the joint. To his great surprise, Þórkæll's arm was mended. Likewise, when he stood upright, stunned and in awe, his own broken leg mended just the same. The miracle of healing.

Word spread around the hunting camp and beyond that a miracle had been performed, and a new saint was living among men. Though there very many doubters, Þórkæll's testimony - along with his significant scar - proved sufficient for the sacred blasphemers. For why would a heathen northerner lie to indulge a religion foreign to him? Riches, status, and statues were quickly raised for the new Saint Venator. But for the boy himself, Þórkæll's rifle was his greatest reward, which he was gifted for saving his arm.

The life of Saint Venator

Alas, in order to make summercamp, this is where the article ends for now. I hope you enjoyed the tale of Venator and his change from boy to Saint as it is. Stay tuned for his life as a religious symbol, his military service and survival of the End, and his life as a witch hunter after.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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