The Valgaartiran Organization in From the Void | World Anvil
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The Valgaartiran

The Valgaartiran was formally established in 8,892 A.W., 5th Epoch in the month of Dïbe. Valgaartiran translates to “illumination of dawn”, "light of dawn"; roughly it is the Ënokhan word for daybreak. This particular imagery for the andeamer is a symbol of hope and a promise to never return to the past responsible for the Great War. The Valgaartiran was founded with an ideal of setting itself apart from the other kingdoms, empires, and nations of Ënokh.

What makes the Valgaartiran unique is that it is not ruled by one House exclusively. It's leaders are elected directly by its citizens. Matters of governance are structured to prevent one House from holding too much authority within the empire. This is taken extremely seriously and nepotism within the government is considered a mild form of treason. The people of the Valgaartiran pride themselves on being a nation of many Houses and it is because of this diversity they attribute their long standing success.

While the Valgaartiran is not governed by a single House, they still do exist. The Houses of the Valgaartiran still find their place in society by their specializations, services, and commerce. The mërakh din'saalïa oversees the rights, regulation, and advocate for the Houses of the Valgaartiran. This council prevents large scale issues stemming from inter-house politics that is commonly observed elsewhere in Ënokh and throughout history. Working closely, and often overseeing, the mërakh din'saalïa is the mërakh din'demath. This council keeps the Houses from overstepping their reach and accumulating too much power or a monopoly as well as promoting the rights and privileges that come with being a citizen of the Valgaartiran.

The Valgaartiran is home to a little over two billion andeamer; current census places their population at 2,952,013,169 people. They boast the largest population in Ënokh with Gaaveth Räd right behind. A majority of the populace resides within the expanding capital city and the rest in smaller outlying cities and villages in their territory. The capital city experienced a major boom in population when their lurokhë allies gifted them direct advancements to prepare them for the fikheri invasion. This provided an exponential vacuum for jobs is nearly every genre and thrusted the empire into technological revolution. The government of the Valgaartiran is the largest employer in the empire and controls all aspects of infrastructure with very few private rivals.

Attaining citizenship in the Valgaartiran is done by either being born in the empire or through an extensive and shrewd vetting process that last nearly half to a full century. The Valgaartiran doesn't keep it secret they want their citizens to be outstanding and the best Ënokh has to offer. Citizens are provided voting rights, educational rights, social welfare, and many more programs to keep their empire functional as well as at the top. Not many pass through the vetting process unless they can prove themselves to be an individual or House that would be a productive citizen. This process typically begins by allowing them a temporary residence in the capital for the entire probationary period of the process. They are not allowed to vote, but will have access to begin or further their education as well as other programs to establish themselves in the empire.

Alongside their enormous population and wealth, the Valgaartiran is the most scientifically and technologically advanced nation in Ënokh. Their monopoly in technology and some science has been a point of contention in world politics. Whatever secrets the Valgaartiran has, they keep very close and very well hidden. Their true prowess lies in their weaponry, infrastructure, and education. The military of the Valgaartiran is hundreds of years ahead of every other entity on Ënokh, but they dont always show their hand and do not take advantage of this by exerting their force onto lesser entities. Despite having weaponry to overpower even Earth, they still equip their soldiers with shields and preferred traditional weapons. The first time Ënokh had witnessed the true might of the Valgaartiran was during the first invasion. The Valgaartiran led the first line of defense in Ënokh's orbit along side the lurokhë and then the second one fikheri had reached the surface. After the invasion, it was also the Valgaartiran that initiated relief efforts across Ënokh.


The Valgaartiran’s culture is possibly the unique from the rest of Ënokhïa. People of the Valgaartiran and its governing style is considered the most liberal of Enokh. The Valgaartiran is made up andeamer from across Ënokh and carry over the differences of their native cultures. Typically, ones place of origin is of little importance. It is your House that matters, but you will find this sentiment everywhere.  



The norms of a civilization will vary, the subtle homogeneity of Ënokh and its people reassure universals, but in the empire there is the new influence of technology and the rapidly changing social needs. Some examples of social norms in the Valgaartiran are:

It is not unusual for a stranger to approach another and start a conversation. The topics of which are usually mundane at first but allows a foot-in-the-door to create a deeper relationship further on.

Initial meetings are always formal speech, the tier of which will vary upon the setting.

First introductions will always include your given name, family name, and House affiliation in that order. Unless you have a significant rank such as mirkhanen or counselor, that rank precedes your given name.

Either address another by their given name, their given and last name together, or their given, last, and house affiliation together. To address one by only their last name or house affiliation is insulting. Andeamer have unique given names, their last/house name are shared by their whole family.

Personal space, typically 1.5ft is not be invaded by anyone not related to you. If an accident, the perpetrator must immediately apologize and move away. Not doing so would make the perpetrator appear rude, aloof, and generally awkward.

Meals are only had with family, but the space in which they are held will vary. Cafes are small and casual, not really for eating but they do serve snacks. Most cafe's menus are comprised of a variety of drink; teas, alcohol, non-alcohol. Restaurant are large, typically open settings that accommodate a single individual to entirely family. Larger families composed of more than 30 people are expected to notify the host a day ahead of their expected visit. When attending a café or restaurant, guests always regard the staff formally.

In homes, families meet a table that accommodates all members of the family, some of which can exceed 30 members. This table is always found in the kitchen no matter where on Ënokh you are.

In the instance of non-related, non-thersaven andeamer having a meal together, it is more likely they are close friends or a prospective coupling. Andeamer will not bring home a prospective partner (thersaven or not) for any meal if they are not sure they will be married. To be offered to have a meal together is an invitation to solidify a relationship

While the walkways may be large, pedestrian traffic will cling to a specific side in congruence with their direction while leaving an opening in the middle. This middle opening is where you will observe city guards.

If you are invited to enter the home of another andeamer, they consider you an ally and close confidant. A house’s home is their domain shared only by that house. Having guest over leisurely isn't common. Andeamer meet elsewhere with their friends.

Thersaven are a social contract. It is another type of marriage arranged between two Houses to advance their relationship, produce heirs, as well as raising the status of the lesser House. The nature of the thersaven is not a marriage of love but sometimes the two may find love with one another. It is not uncommon for the married thersaven to have romantic arrangements outside of this union. These are quiet relationships and the only stipulation is neither may reproduce outside their spouse. In junction to this, sexuality is a fluid construct; there is no distinction between being heterosexual vs homosexual. It is thought of as a matter of preference (akin to like specific feature such as hair or eye color more) and thus not held as taboo.



Just as with all of Ënokh, loyalty and devotion to one’s House is a matter of survival and familial bond. However in the Valgaartiran, it is crucial one not put themselves or their house above the needs of any other. The phrase: “The House of one.” Is reinforced to citizens of the empire at a young age and is one of many engraved into the steps that lead up to the entrance of the Valgaaren. Social changes wrought by the mistakes of previous nations as well the mistakes of the governing bodies of the empire shows what can happen when one House has too much power. The aftermath of War of Succession implemented new laws and procedures to be used against people within the governing bodies in order to assure none accumulate to much or have too many conflicts of interest.


Another one of these phrases that depict the values of the people of the empire, succeeds the first one upon the steps leading up to the Valgaaren: "Always be suspicious of those in power." This is also a tenet of the empire's guards. While initiated and trained by the mirkh, the guards of the empire are their own separate legion headed by a mirkhanen. This mirkhanen later in their career specializes in the safety of the empire's citizens, the logistics of protecting, and meeting the people's needs to oversee the city's safety. The city's guards' purpose is solely for the citizen's protection and as seen in times of distress, such as during the War of Succession, the guard must be ready fight against the mirkh and unknown enemies in the governing body. During the First Invasion, the guard was employed with the task of coordinating the evacuation of citizen's into the shelter beneath the city. Outside of the capital, guards were ensured preparedness to leave once given the orders to evacuate. Initially, Videhsteya Hälithera was reluctant to force people underground and so the Valgaaren followed suit, but once the guard's mirkhanen saw the immediate devastation wrought, she disobeyed orders and began the evacuation. Once again demonstrating that guard must act independent of the mirkh as well as the Valgaaren when needed. The idea of keeping suspicion of those who hold power, keeps them accountable. The primary message is just that: accountability. This phrase isn't exclusive to the government or mirkh, but permeates through the entirety of the empire.


The tradition of the shïathyerrihn is one that has existed for millennia and has also been proven difficult to get rid of. It's norms vary often with slavery being the worst scenario with indentured servitude its best side. Typically the arrangement of the shïathyerrihn is a contract and at its most basic description, is servitude in exchange for something. Usually it is protection, sometimes wealth, but whatever it is, the arrangement is not supposed not be permanent. However, there are always outliers and those who break unspoken rules. In the last 200 years, the Valgaartiran saw a wave of social pressure to reform and apply laws to the arrangements of the shïathyerrihn contract. The laws regulate the system and keep tract of contracts, but have also allowed for the empire to move away from the practice entirely. This has cut down tremendously on abuse of shïathyerrihn and trafficking, by replacing this outdated tradition with beneficial work that will always be fairly rewarded.

Recently, an organization was established within the empire, but also operates elsewhere, to search for those shïathyerrihn who have been devalued to slavery, have been born into the position, or simply want to leave, but cannot. This organization acts independently from any government, but some suspect they have the backing of the Valgaartiran. They keep their activies as secret as possible as they've acquired themselves a long list of enemies across Ënokhïa. Thus little is know about how many member and where they operate from.


The Valgaartiran was found by several families from all provinces of Ënokh; Marselon, Denethyärr, Pthïahlaan, Laelis, Vïrith, and Ganashahl. The house of Marselon and Laelis hail from the province of Mäsvell Dinmaar. Both houses have a long history together; Marselon, a family who made their name as merchants, traders, and craftsmen while Laelis the house of swords protected Marselon’s caravans and the city of Lüth Vä Dihn that sprung from a trading post on coastal Mäsvell Dinmaar. Their centuries of mutual benefit would make these two houses the first to venture into Vindyarr Khrïn and scout the land that would support the capital of the Valgaartiran.

But what led to this expedition? The ideals the Valgaartiran was founded upon perpetuated many minds years, maybe even decades prior to its founding. Articulated by the mouths of those who were victims of an endless cycle of power vacuums and brutal politics. It was the last Andeamer to carry the name Vïrith who decided to pursue these ideals. Ehresshyal Vïrith was the last daughter of the Vïrith dynasty. Vïs Egaan was one of many empires vying for power in a world that never recovered from the Great War. The name of Vïrith invoked fear in many for its ruling family was known for their brutality in war. Another dark stain of history, one Ehresshyal did not want to be a part of or contribute to.

Throughout Vïs Egaan an underground revolution tore through conquered cities. The oppressed classes of other kingdoms and cities would soon follow suit in a 50 year time frame known as the wave of reformation. History tells Ehresshyal as the third daughter of the third wife of Malakhän. The youngest child and the most rebellious, was always at odds with her family’s ideals. She came to be his only heir after the fourth battle of Geness Lokh when her two half-brothers were defeated in battle, a half-sister and sister were kidnapped by the baron of Geness Lokh during a faux surrender. Malakhän had lost the city of Geness Lokh, four more of his children, and the façade of invincibility. He changed after his defeat and became more protective of Ehresshyal, which would eventually push her away towards a few fringe members of her family. Her uncle Dïnakhän was responsible for the wave of reformation, for the many ideals Ehresshyal wanted the Valgaartiran to bring into reality. Dïnakhän was ousted from his throne as emperor during a weak point in his life when he lost his wife and first child in labor. His brother saw this opportunity to reclaim and return Vïs Egaan to what he believed it should have been as Dïnakhän was undoing years of damage his family and empire had done to Vindyarr Khrïn. He was thought to have been killed during the coup. Instead he feigned death and used his disfiguration to his advantage to disappear.

Only a year after the loss of Geness Lokh, Ehresshyal disappeared. Malakhän was said to have spiraled into a deep depression. None of his wives managed to conceive any children or supposedly they did, but none were live births. Ehresshyal had snuck away and joined her uncle’s rebellion. Malakhän kept a strong grip on the region and the brutality shown towards the rebels in his city increased tenfold. Historians believed he fought too many wars on too many fronts that led to his eventual downfall. His conquered cities were revolting one by one. His military couldn’t keep a hold on all of them. The stress began to chip away at his health. No heirs, one wife succumbed to poisoning, spies and rebels abound in his city and in all of his territory. Paranoia set in. His second wife died a year after his first, it is unknown if she was murdered by a rebel agent in the palace or by Malakhän himself. In the span of a year he had lost almost half of his empire. Around every corner another of his family were claimed by rebels or in wars and skirmishes with kingdoms seeking to regain their territory. He believed everyone was out for his head. He would barricade himself in the palace and interacting with only a select few trusted officials. The four brothers of his third wife came to the palace with full escorts to retrieve their sister before she too would die. Malakhän did nothing to stop them, other accounts added he said absolutely nothing to them when they came and he didn’t bother to even acknowledge them.

Shortly after this, his capital city fell into chaos. The empire of Vïs Egaan no longer existed and soon the house of Vïrith too. Even within the rebellion there was chaos. Many did not agree on what direction they would go or what was right or wrong. In the end, the territory known as Vïs Egaan and its cities fell into anarchy. Ehresshyal, her uncle, and those loyal to their cause raced to regain control. Dïnakhän did not want to lose power entirely. Ehresshyal recounted his intentions as merely penitence for all their family had done, but nothing had gone as he had planned. Dïnakhän was killed in the chaos that engulfed Vïs Egaan. The body of Malakhän was never recovered, having supposedly fought his brother again.

Ehresshyal escaped the chaos and fled with the few allies she had. Many pursued her and all who had the name of Vïrith; within the course of a year these hunters claimed them all dead. She found herself in Lüth Vä Dihn where news of anarchy in Vïs Egaan hadn’t reached. The busy city traded not just goods but also ideas and here is where she found allies with the houses of Marselon, Laelis, and others who were interested in the possibility of the Valgaartiran.

Pthïahlaan was a small house when the camp that would become the capital was settled. They were a displaced family of farmers, hunters, and laborers native to Vindyarr Khrïn. Just one of many families who were victims of a brutal war between two kingdoms which no longer exist in modern Enokh. They attributed luck to stumbling across the peoples of Marselon and Laelis. Naturally house Marselon saw an opportunity. Pthïahlaan developed the land of the Valgaartiran. Once the first crops came in, their protectors had a steady supply of food and then Denethyär arrived from Vindde Yal Mäsvyel. This versatile house brought in much needed supplied and strong laborers as well as craftsmen to expand the camp into a small village. Ganashahl would soon follow with a river of gold and lesser houses that sought to raise themselves. The Valgaartiran kept true to its intentions and that was no singular house ever had control. It was a community even the lesser houses had their opinions listened to. From the small village arose a city home to thousands of families. Soon a diverse nation that would grow deep into Vindyarr Khrïn still keeping true to its roots. No singular house ever has control of the Valgaaren. It is shared between all houses of the Valgaartiran no matter their size or importance.

Through the centuries the Valgaartiran has reshaped itself and finds its pride in making examples of shortcomings and failures of other nations as well as the Valgaartiran itself. Today, the Valgaartiran has lived up to its ideals. This nation propelled Enokh into their modern age technologically and ethically. Many governments follow their example and while other chose to assimilate in to the Valgaartiran. The Valgaartiran appears to hold the most influence and power in Enokh and this is due to their advanced technology they seldom let others recreate. This regulation is due to an episode in the nation’s history which proved not all in Enokh are responsible with such power.

Demography and Population

The Valgaartiran is made up of roughly 2,952,013,169 people whose individual origins or House origins come from all across Ënokh. The majority of their population inhabits the capital of the same name or the outlying farming district villages. Within the capital, the citizens of the Valgaartiran live in the residential district and within that district is further subdivisions. None are segregated based on origin of house or province, but more likely the wealth at their disposal. Wealthier houses can be found in the upper residential district overlooking the city while other occupy the lower city and along the city's walls.

Within the Valgaartiran, life expectancy surpasses other civilizations. With access to the Valgaartiran's medical technologies and less strenuous way of life, andeamer in the Valgaartiran can average a lifespan of 700 years. Birth rates however don't differ from elsewhere due to natural reproduction processes, but infant mortality rates are extremely low. However, the people of the Valgaartiran have had some success with fertility treatments to increase birth rates as conception and reproduction for andeamer can be difficult. These treatments include things such as in vitro fertilization, gamete alteration to increase chance of viability and reduction of genetic defects, educational programs for expecting parents and maturing youth, and promotion of adoption.


The territory of the Valgaartiran spans from the eastern peninsulas of Vindyarr Khrïn to the crater bay of Mäsvell Dinmaar. Within this territory the Valgaartiran maintains a few hundred settlements. Some of which are absorbed city-states all the way to simple mining, fishing, and export villages. Counted within their territory are their allied city-states and puppet-states. Allied City-States, Nations, and Kingdoms; The allies of the Valgaartiran, so long as they remain in the Valgaartiran’s good graces will enjoy their protections and commerce. Puppet States; These cities are technically ruled by the Valgaartiran but retained their former government bodies. So long as they comply with Valgaartiran law the government bodies can stay in power.


The mirkh is military body of the Valgaartiran. The mirkh is lead by the Videhsteya and the Videhsteya is led by the mërakh din'üsarr. Beneath the Videhsteya are the mirkhanen. The mirkhanen are an equivalent of a general and lead a fätlässe, which can be made of more than 100,000 individuals each subcategorized into a sessïn. Below the mikrhanen are the mirkhesenath that relay orders to the sessïn captains.   Typically the mirkhanen have free reign to do as they see fit so long as it is within the Valgaartiran's interests. However, they are not allowed to instigate conflicts unless directed by the Videhsteya. Some mirkhanen or their sessïnath specialize in certain areas of battle such of heavy-armor, subterfuge, scouting, medical, or construction and maintenance. One legion is a dedicated guard to the capital and its surrounding territory and oversought by its mirkhanen. Within this legion are two sessïn in the esteemed position of Valgaaren guards. Their sole duty is to protect the Valgaaren and the members of the Vothihyaal mat’Dïbe. They are found only on the Valgaaren grounds and are distinguished by their unique uniforms.   Because of the stark contrast of the Valgaartiran’s capabilities and the rest of Ënokh, the Valgaartiran does not utilize the full capacity of their weapons. The Valgaartiran has weapon capabilities to surpass that of many Earth nations as well. This arose due to the first invasion of the fikheri and also because lurokhë intentionally giving the Valgaartiran knowledge of weapons to fight fikheri invaders. The only reason no other governing entity has the know-how comparable to the Valgaartiran is because the Valgaartiran possessed the means to receive lurokhë messages via radio signal. The lurokhë arkship that contacted the Valgaartiran were aware of intelligent life of Ënokh and sought out Ënokh as a potential refuge. This arkship however was being pursued by the Void-turned fikheri, but this was discovered much too late. Thus, the lurokhë of this arkship saw it fit to teach the andeamer the means to defend themselves against the enemies brought to them.

Technological Level

The Valgaartiran is the only civilization on Ënokh with its level of technological advances. However, it is keeping their discoveries from other nations which saves this lofty position for the Valgaartiran. Their reasoning is the burden of creation, which fears what may happen if less advanced peoples jump from a stagnant technological position akin to to that of the Valgaartiran. How they do this is a matter of debate. Their technological level began passing their rest of Ënokh within 200 years after establishing contact with the lurokhë

The Valgaartiran isn't known to be flashy of the technology they posses. The posses devastating weapons which were used during the first fikheri invasion to repel the invaders, however outside of this incident, use is extremely rare to the point many doubt they still have such technology. As per Andeamer religious laws surrounding war, conflict is rare already, but still the Valgaartiran hasn't demonstrated much against agressors and shows preference for even ground concerning weapons. Space-faring and exploration however can be witnessed on nearly a quarterly basis as the Valgartiraan routinely sends supplies and people to the Vehnanen in Ënokh's orbit. The Vehnanen is maintained by efforts on behalf of the Valgartiraan and the Lurokxi who live aboard the station. Exploring the solar system and universe Ënokh inhabits is an endless endeavor as well; the Valgaartiran maintains several satellites used to collect data along with those already aboard the Vehnanen.

Foreign Relations

The closest entity to the Valgaartiran has been Gaaveth Räd since the founding of the empire. The relations to outside entities has been largely neutral and at some points isolationist. The Valgaartiran has shown preference for keeping to itself, but also manages an enormous trade network. Rarely does the Valgaartiran interfere with the matters of other nations, but when the empire does, it typically ends in the empire's interests.   As mentioned, trading resources, materials, information, and wealth is the primary goal of foreign relationships. Sometimes important people will factor into this in the form of relief programs, as seen after the First Invasion. Geopolitical neighbors to the Valgaartiran have often been the largest source of contention. It is important to note the numerous amount of entities that exist in Ënokh and the fact they do not have a governing system like that of the Valgaartiran; these entities are controlled by singular Houses and more likened to feudal states. These entities are no strangers to skirmishes to obtain new territory, get revenge, etc,... The Valgaartiran has not shied away from maintaining their physical distance to these entities or using their military strength to discourage them from retaliation.

Agriculture & Industry

The agriculture of the Valgaartiran needs to sustain not only the capital but its settlements elsewhere. The fields beyond the capital walls support an array of crops and livestock. Responsible for these farms are the villages dotting the countryside. Common crops are grains, fruits, and vegetables. Livestock will vary, but are mostly bred for their meat. Byproducts are recycled and re-used in other areas of industry.   The pulaare are the wind farms that utilize the natural landscapes and found throughout the plains of Vindyarr Khrïn. The generate power for the villages and other structures outside the capital. Some distance away from the capital, near the radio array and far below the surface is the bynvaale vinväs, the nuclear reactors that fulfill the needs of the city.

Trade & Transport

Transportation within the Valgaartiran is either by foot or the monorail systems for long distances. The monorail systems circle the surrounding walls for travel within the city, but several lines extend to the villages and towns outside the city within the Valgaartiran borders. The farthest line reaches close to Bälvaaryelisen Lake, North of the city. One particular line extends to the fort situated at the Void-Gates and foothills of the Ursanistyn Mountains. This line is exclusively used by the Valgaartiran mirkh for transporting soldiers and supplies to the fort.

Imports and exports of trade is conducted mostly through the Vaulehsoith river, but caravans and traveling trade houses still make seasonal trips to the city, especially for festivities. Trade ships are directed by the Vaulehsoith to the ports below the city. While traveling the Vaulehsoith, theft and piracy is still a concern. To combat and deter illegal trade, smuggling, and piracy, the governments who partake in trade agreements on the Vaulehsoith network maintain and occupy checkpoint stations throughout the route from beginning to end.

Between settlements owned by the Valgaartiran, airships are used to transport supplies and goods to and from the capital. Water faring vessels are solely used for trade outside the Valgaartiran, except for the Catacomb city of Zyendil Maar. Airships can travel to the city as long as the weather allows them to. Beginning at the Range Overlook in Vindyarr Khrïn is the Imperial Highway. It stands far above the ground of Zyendil Maar and leads directly to the Catacomb city. Travelers and traders from all across Ënokh use this road to reach the isolated city safe from the dangers of Zyendil Maar. This highway was put in place by combined efforts of the Valgaartiran and the Catacombs and is maintained by both governments as well as tolls from traders.

Founding Date
8892 A.W.
Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Edë are made of abundant iron. These are coins whose value is determined by its shape. This is only within the Valgaartiran and allied nations. Outside the territory, currency and exchange of goods will vary. Promises or contracts can be used for expensive goods and services; similar to credit, but andeamer do not have a concept of interest. Precious gems, minerals, and metals can be used in place of or with edë. Bartering and trading is common for small things and services
  • 1 Round; Edan = 5 diamonds
  • 1 Diamond; Ethä = 25 octagons
  • 1 Octagon; Midan = 50 squares
  • 1 Square; Dyrdan= 150 triangles
  • 1 Triangle; Khädan = smallest value, 1
Major Exports
The Valgaartiran's greatest exports are its luxury goods and its people. The industry within the Valgaartiran has been largely automated in production and synthesis of material is inexpensive. They are sought in allied entities and beyond and often will have trade agreements with these entities to procure certain materials. The people are the Valgaartiran are desired around Ënokh for their expertise and intelligence. Typically the Valgaartiran will lend its people for relief efforts or betterment programs in its allied city-states. Technology of the Valgaartiran is envied everywhere, but the nation keeps its secrets very well hidden. The governing bodies of the nation ensure not to leak its most dangerous technologies, but these is often a point of contention and fear among other entities.
Major Imports
The people of the Valgaartiran like new and exotic goods. Art, food, clothing, and oddities from around Ënokh can be found in the capital. Elsewhere procurement may be found at the distant borders where wandering caravans will stop to rest. Imports come largely from allied states in the form of raw materials.
Legislative Body
The Vothihyaal mat’Dïbe is the government of the Valgaartiran. Within it is the mërakh din'üsarr, the  council body made up of representatives for which the Valgaartiran citizens vote for. The council is split into four subgroups each containing dedicated councilors.
  • Mërakh din’Mirkhïa is the body that maintains order. They govern law and military. Their primary goal is to preserve the Valgaartiran from forces outside as well as within while following the laws of Dïbe and Fesäd.
  • Mërakh din’Ensïle is the body that maintains peace. They sustain the empire to keep itself sufficient and healthy, as well as advocate for those outside of the Valgaartiran. Their goal is peace in the Valgaartiran and the whole of Enokh.
  • Mërakh din’Saalïa is the body of the Houses. They are made up of councilors from the many Houses of the Valgaartiran. The purpose of this body is to allow a setting in which the houses settle disputes and conduct business in a way that does not result in the common conflict of the past.
  • Mërakh din’Vaal is the body that maintains spirit. This body is unique in that it is made up of eight councilors, they are the high priests and priestesses of the gods, the eight is the Oracle of Mazarath. The actual high priests and priestesses rarely attend or maintain any residence outside their temples, so the representatives witnessed in the Valgaartiran are dedicated retainer who relay the priests and priestesses’ orders.
A Virzangest is a temporary position, given to an individual elected by the Mërakh din’Üsarr and the Vihdesteya. The Virzangest exists only in a time of great crises to lead the Valgaartiran with complete authority. During their rule, they are essentially an emperor and do not need to justify their actions. Once elected, the Virzangest takes an oath given by the Vihdesteya, witnessed by the citizens of the Valgaartiran and Mërakh din’Üsar which outlines their purpose of being Virzangest and what would happen if they do not resign once their purpose is complete.
  1. Once their purpose is complete the Virzangest must resign his power and position.
  2. Only after their resignation is the former Virzangest responsible for their actions as Virzangest, good or bad.
  3. Should a Virzangest complete their term and not resign they are allowed to be jmurdered without consequence.
Judicial Body
The body of the people, the body of the houses, and the body of the spirit are the judging bodies of the law. The sitting councilors and specified aids beneath them are allowed to issue rulings and verdicts. Each will have their interpretation of laws and must work together to a decision on what is official and what punishments should be if laws are broken.
Official Languages

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