17 Phei Phei is a UPP border defense system on the Bao Sau/Neroid sector border between the UPP and the 3WE. The system has five small planetoids with a massive asteroid belt orbiting a main sequence star. UPP scientists have determined that the system must have suffered some major catastrophic event in its past, causing its planets to veer into each other’s orbital planes, eventually resulting in a series of collisions that left the system nothing but rubble. Only five small planetoids that orbit extremely close to their sun remain in a system that is estimated to once have hosted over thirty planets and moons. At some point in the future these planetoids will collide with each other as well, but for now they remain locked in slowly decaying orbits that are very close to the star itself.   The 17 Phei Phei System contained the star 17 Phei Phei and was located in the Bao Sau Sector of the Outer Veil at a distance of roughly 13.37 light–years, or 4.10 parsecs, Rimward–Trailward from the Sol System. The system was dominated by a heavy metal–rich asteroid belt.  


According to Union of Progressive Peoples scientists, the system suffered a major catastrophic event that caused its planets to veer into each other’s orbital planes, eventually resulting in a series of collisions that left the system in ruins, with only five of over thirty planets remaining intact and their moons locked in decaying orbits. The UPP maintained the listening station Znoy Outpost on 17 Phei Phei E, as well as a system–wide orbital nuclear array.
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Cover image: by DALLE


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