A Weyland-Yutani Blacksite

The Blackthorn Institute, a clandestine Weyland-Yutani research facility, is hidden in the depths of a desolate, off-the-grid planetary moon. Officially nonexistent, the institute conducts cutting-edge and highly controversial xenomorph hybridisation experiments. Tasked with creating new life forms by merging xenomorph DNA with various animal species, the scientists operate in complete isolation, far from the prying eyes of authorities and rival corporations.   Operating under the guise of an advanced research station, the Blackthorn Institute is more akin to a fortress, with security forces outnumbering the scientists and researchers. Here, the personnel and the xenomorph hybrids being developed exist in a tenuous balance, where one misstep could mean disaster.  

Facility Layout

The Blackthorn Institute consists of multiple sections, each serving a vital purpose for the operations of the Blacksite. Security is strict, with clearance levels dictating where personnel can go.  
Main Laboratory (Level 3)
The heart of the facility is where hybridisation experiments are conducted. This sterile lab environment is equipped with containment pods and advanced gene-splicing technology. Only a few scientists and the chief researcher have access to this area.  
Containment Chambers (Level 2)
Situated beneath the labs, this section houses the most dangerous experiments, including xenomorph hybrids in various stages of development. High-voltage barriers and automated defence turrets line the halls, ensuring no specimen escapes.  
Living Quarters (Level 1)
The living area for the small staff consists of simple, spartan rooms.
Most personnel have little personal space, and the feeling of confinement breeds paranoia. The security forces and researchers reside here, though interaction between the two groups is minimal.  
Security Hub (Level 1)
Half of the facility's personnel are devoted to security. This hub is connected to all cameras and control systems, allowing the guards to monitor every part of the institute. An armoury is also housed here, with heavy weapons capable of dealing with potential xenomorph threats.  
Chief Scientist's Quarters
Isolated from the others, the Chief Scientist's quarters are lavish compared to the rest. Inside is where he keeps his prized "pet," a xenomorph hybrid of an exotic, unknown animal species. The creature seems to have bonded with him, though it remains a lethal predator.  

Research at the Blackthorn Institute

The primary focus of the research at Blackthorn Institute is to merge xenomorph DNA with various species to create powerful new hybrids. These hybrids are intended to serve both military and industrial purposes. However, the secret and most dangerous of all experiments is human-xenomorph hybridisation.  
Xenomorph-Tiger Hybrid (Dr. Caldwell's Pet)
One of the facility's most successful creations, this hybrid combines the tiger's ferocity and agility with a xenomorph's predatory instincts. Despite its taming, it remains a lethal creature. Dr Caldwell uses it to demonstrate the potential for controlling these hybrids, though many suspect it could easily turn on him.  
Avian-Xenomorph Hybrids
These creatures are developed to create airborne predators that can act as scouts or assassins. The experiments have yielded highly adaptable, bird-like xenomorphs capable of swift, silent movement.      
Human-Xenomorph Experimentation
This top-secret project is the most morally questionable aspect of the institute's research. Human subjects, often convicts or unwilling participants, are subjected to gene splicing with xenomorph DNA. The results are erratic—some subjects develop superhuman strength and resilience, while others become uncontrollably aggressive or mutate into grotesque forms. Despite the extreme risks, Dr Caldwell believes the key to ultimate control lies here.  
Hybrid Control Systems
In addition to physical hybridisation, the institute is working on methods to control the hybrids using implanted neural devices. These devices aim to subjugate the will of the creatures, turning them into obedient tools for Weyland-Yutani's use.

Key Personnel

Though the Blackthorn Institute is staffed by a small team, only a select few are crucial to the operations and success of the research.  
by Hero Forge
Dr. Samuel Caldwell – Chief Scientist
Cold, calculating, and brilliant, Dr. Caldwell is the driving force behind Blackthorn's controversial research. His reputation for pushing the boundaries of ethics has made him infamous among the scientific community. His fascination with xenomorph biology led him to develop a "pet" hybrid—a xenomorph-tiger fusion. Dr. Caldwell has managed to train and control this creature, though some suspect it's more symbiotic than it seems.
by Hero Forge
Captain Elias Monroe – Head of Security
A former special forces operative, Captain Monroe is in charge of keeping the institute's research contained and the scientists safe. He leads a team of ten elite security personnel, all heavily armed and experienced in handling xenomorph threats. Monroe is pragmatic and dedicated, though he questions the morality of the work being done here.
by Hero Forge
Dr. Clara Bryson – Senior Researcher
Dr. Bryson specialises in gene splicing and leads many of the hybrid experiments. Unlike Caldwell, she's more concerned about the ethical implications, but she's loyal to Weyland-Yutani and believes in the potential for weaponising xenomorph hybrids. She is often the intermediary between Caldwell and the rest of the staff.
by Hero Forge
Lt. Victor Ramos – Security Specialist
A second-in-command to Captain Monroe, Lt. Ramos is responsible for tactical coordination and defence protocols. He's been trained in dealing with biological threats and often accompanies Dr. Caldwell into the containment chambers to observe experiments. He's also one of the few who has seen Caldwell's pet up close.
by Hero Forge
Subject X-42 – Human Test Subject
A former convict, X-42, is one of the few human subjects involved in the hybridisation experiments. Though the genetic experiments have not yet yielded a complete transformation, he has begun showing signs of xenomorph characteristics, including heightened strength and aggression. The staff keeps him under constant surveillance, fearing that he might evolve beyond his control.
Corporation, Research & Development
Ruling Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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Sep 8, 2024 23:04 by Mochi

This is really interesting! I love the secrecy of this organisation, and I'm always fascinated by genetic testing and hybridisation :D Great work!

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