Weyland-Yutani Corporation, often shortened to Weyland-Yutani and commonly referred to as W-Y or simply "The Company," is a large British-Japanese multinational conglomerate. Founded in 2099 by the merger of Weyland Corp and Yutani Corporation, Weyland-Yutani specializes in manufacturing synthetics, starships, and computers for a wide range of industrial and commercial clients, making them a household name. The company also has extensive interests in interplanetary shipping and transport, human colonies through the Extrasolar Colonization Administration, and holds a seat on the review board of the Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICC).  


Founding and Merger
Weyland-Yutani Corporation was formed in 2099 following a fiercely contested hostile takeover, wherein Yutani Corporation outbid other contenders like the Chinese Combine to acquire Weyland Corp. This merger created the largest share value ever recorded on the Systems Exchange and enabled Weyland-Yutani to invest in almost every sector, owning and operating a vast number of corporations.  
Key Developments
  • Terraforming Breakthroughs: Weyland Corp initially terraformed the first functional atmosphere on GJ 667Cc in 2039. Post-merger, Weyland-Yutani expanded on these technologies to terraform and colonize additional worlds, including Acheron (LV-426).
  • Expansion and Acquisitions: By the 2150s, Weyland-Yutani had bought out numerous businesses, holding controlling stakes in many corporations. Despite setbacks such as the loss of the USCSS Prometheus, the company maintained its leading position through continuous mergers and acquisitions.
  • Structure

    Dog Catchers
    Weyland-Yutani maintains a commando corps known as the Dog Catchers, trained to handle and capture Xenomorph specimens. These corporate security units typically consist of commandos, animal containment specialists, a science team, and a chief surgeon, often led by a high-level corporate executive. They are equipped with APE suits, pulse rifles, and specialized capture equipment. However, the teams often rely on secondhand information about Xenomorphs, leading to frequent underestimations of the threats they face.  

    Public Agenda

    Weyland-Yutani operates top-secret R&D facilities across the territories, specializing in the illegal development of synthetic and biochemical weapons. A major focus of this research is the procurement of Chemical A0-3959X.91-15 and p.praepotens for use as self-replicating biochemical weapons. Following incidents on LV-426 and Fiorina 161, the company intensified its efforts, establishing facilities like RB-232 “The Cold Forge” and Kathar Station for Xenomorph research. Despite efforts, safely containing Xenomorphs remains elusive. Special teams led by Michael Bishop explore the Frontier for hive worlds, Engineer ruins, and alien specimens. Additionally, Weyland-Yutani develops illegal combat androids and cybernetic exo-suits for the USCMC.  


    Weyland-Yutani's main offices are located in Tokyo, London, San Francisco, the Sea of Tranquility on Luna, and Thedus. The company has a presence on every major starport world and holdings on Alexandria in the ICSC. It sponsors numerous colonies, terraforming projects, and mining operations throughout the Outer Veil, Outer Rim, and Frontier.  

    Foreign Relations

    Weyland-Yutani has a ruthless reputation in the corporate world, known for aggressive mergers and acquisitions. The company has a seat on the ICC’s Company Review Board but often resorts to bribery rather than compliance with mandatory inspections. An uneasy alliance exists between Weyland-Yutani and the United Americas, complicating relationships with the Three World Empire.

    Foreign Relations

    Like both its predecessor companies, W-Y plays hard and fast with mergers and acquisitions, buying out those they can and destroying those they can’t. As such, they have a ruthless and cutthroat reputation in the corporate world. Despite the fact that the company has a seat in the Interstellar Commerce Commission’s Company Review Board, their commercial fleet management is known to bribe both ICC agents and Colonial Marshals rather than submit their spacecraft to mandatory safety inspections. An uneasy alliance of convenience exists between W-Y and the United Americas, one that is currently straining both entities’ relationships with the Three World Empire.

    "Building better worlds"

    San Francisco
    Sea of Tranquility
    Founding Date
    Corporation, Conglomerate
    Predecessor Organizations
    Legislative Body
    Like any major corporation, Weyland-Yutani is run by a board of directors and shareholders. Though unsubstantiated, there are rumors that upper management is actually run by synthetics operating under directives that date back to co-founder Peter Weyland’s David series of androids.   W-Y XOs and corporate agents are numerous on the Frontier, but the real man in charge out there is Michael Bishop.
    Subsidiary Organizations

    Articles under WEYLAND-YUTANI

    Cover image: by DALLE


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