Doctor Charles "Charlie" Holloway was a pioneering archaeologist renowned for his contributions to the field of ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial research. Born in the late 21st century, Holloway's insatiable curiosity about humanity's origins propelled him to the forefront of his field. His work, often conducted alongside his esteemed colleague and partner, Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, sought to uncover the mysteries of ancient star maps and their connections to early human cultures.  

Prometheus Expedition

In 2093, Dr. Holloway joined the Weyland Corporation-funded USCSS Prometheus expedition. The mission aimed to explore LV-223, a distant moon identified through ancient star maps discovered in various archaeological sites on Earth. These maps were interpreted by Holloway and Shaw as an invitation from an advanced alien race known as the Engineers, believed to have played a role in the creation of humanity.  

Role and Contributions

As a central figure in the Prometheus mission, Dr. Holloway's expertise in archaeology and ancient languages was instrumental in guiding the team's exploration and analysis of LV-223's enigmatic structures. His passion for discovery and his optimistic outlook were vital in maintaining team morale during the challenging and often perilous mission.  

Personal Life

Dr. Holloway's professional and personal life were deeply intertwined with Dr. Elizabeth Shaw. The two shared a profound connection, both in their academic pursuits and their vision of uncovering humanity's origins. Holloway's relationship with Shaw was characterized by mutual respect, shared ambitions, and a deep emotional bond.  

Last Known Status

During the Prometheus mission, communication with Dr. Holloway was lost under uncertain circumstances. Official reports from the Weyland Corporation and surviving crew members indicate that Holloway was last seen on LV-223, but his precise fate remains a subject of speculation and mystery. He is currently listed as presumed deceased.
2058 2093 35 years old
Aligned Organization
Related Myths

Cover image: by DALLE
Character Portrait image: by DALLE


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