Weyland Corporation, often shortened to Weyland Corp and sometimes referred to simply as "The Company," was a British multinational corporation founded in 2012 by Sir Peter Weyland. Weyland Corp specialized in advanced technologies, creating and developing several major advancements in holographics, off-world colonization, faster-than-light (FTL) travel, cybernetics, transportation, and healthcare. The company's headquarters were located in San Francisco, California, United States. Eventually, Weyland Corp was acquired by the Yutani Corporation and reformed into Weyland-Yutani Corporation.  


Founding and Early Success
Weyland Corp was established by Sir Peter Weyland on October 11, 2012. The company made history by becoming the first to earn $100 billion within five years, thanks to massive technological advancements. In 2029, Weyland Corp faced a patent dispute lawsuit from the Yutani Corporation over the David synthetic series. Weyland Corp won the lawsuit, securing its investments and shareholders. The company incorporated a higher fair market valuation than any other company in history due to its valuable patents.  
Major Milestones
  • Terraforming of GJ 667Cc: On May 28, 2039, Weyland Corp successfully terraformed the first functional and breathable atmosphere on GJ 667Cc. This achievement paved the way for further terraforming projects on other planets, including Acheron (LV-426).
  • Introduction of the 900 Series Orders: Following the loss of the USCSS Prometheus, Weyland Corp introduced the 900 series of special corporate orders in 2095 to enhance operational directives and safety protocols.
  • Merger with Yutani Corporation
    In 2099, Weyland Corp merged with Yutani Corporation, forming the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. While it was often perceived that Weyland had absorbed Yutani, the reality was that Yutani Corporation, under its founder Hideo Yutani, executed a fiercely contested hostile takeover. Yutani Corporation outmaneuvered rival bids from other potential buyers, such as the Chinese Combine, to acquire Weyland Corp.  

    Areas of Specialization

    Advanced Technologies
    Weyland Corp was at the forefront of technological innovation, specializing in areas such as:  
  • Holographics: Development of advanced holographic technologies for various applications.
  • Off-World Colonization: Pioneering efforts in colonizing extraterrestrial environments.
  • FTL Travel: Advancements in faster-than-light travel, facilitating interstellar exploration.
  • Cybernetics: Creation of advanced synthetic life forms, including the David series.
  • Transportation: Innovations in transportation technologies for both terrestrial and space travel.
  • Healthcare: Development of cutting-edge healthcare solutions and medical technologies.
  • Legacy

    Weyland Corp's legacy is marked by its groundbreaking contributions to technology and space exploration. The company's efforts in terraforming, synthetic life forms, and FTL travel have had a lasting impact on humanity's expansion into the stars. Despite its eventual acquisition by Yutani Corporation, the innovations and advancements made by Weyland Corp continue to influence the trajectory of interstellar colonization and technological progress.

    "Building better worlds."

    Cover image: by DALLE


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