Doctor Elizabeth M. "Ellie" "El" Shaw was an accomplished archaeologist with doctorates in paleontology, archaeology, human mythology, and metics who was assigned to assist the USCSS Prometheus expedition in discovering the homeworld of the Engineers on LV-223.   Together with her scientific partner and lover Charlie Holloway, Shaw discovered the location of LV-223 and convinced Weyland Corp to fund a scientific expedition to the planet. She believed that this would allow her to finally encounter the creators of mankind and "meet her maker," gaining answers to a number of existential questions about the nature and origins of human life. After contacting Weyland Corp obsessively, she gained the necessary funding for the project after the location of their eldest piece of evidence yet, located in the Isle of Skye.  



Elizabeth M. Shaw was born in 2058 from British ancestry, Shaw was raised from childhood in South Africa by her father, a missionary after her mother died of unknown disease. Years later, she also lost her father, who died of Ebola. She later graduated in paleonthology, archaeology, human hethology and metrics.  


In 2089, during her expedition in the Isle of Skye, Shaw along with her love interest and fellow archeologist Charlie Holloway discovered a star map among several unconnected ancient cultures. They interpreted this as an invitation from humanity’s forerunners, or "Engineers".   After such discovery Shaw recorded a message for Peter Weyland trougth Yutani Corporation. After introducing herself and apologising for her persistent attempts at contacting Weyland, Shaw raised some of the grand unanswered questions facing humanity — including what happens after death, the purpose of man's existence, where we came from and whether we are alone in the universe. She went on to explain that she believes she has found a place where these questions can be answered, but that she needs Weyland and his vast resources to get there. Finally, she politely requests a meeting in person so that they can discuss her findings.  

The Prometheus mission

Shaw later managed to share her discovery with Peter Weyland, the elderly CEO of Weyland Corp, who contracted her and later funded the creation of the scientific vessel USCSS Prometheus to follow the map to the distant moon LV-223. Shaw came along because she believed that the Engineers created humanity and she desired to "meet her maker".
2058 2093 35 years old
Aligned Organization
Related Myths

Cover image: by DALLE
Character Portrait image: by DALLE


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