If space is hell, this planet is worse. G-435 is the closest to a home world one is likely to find for p.praepotens. While they aren’t from here, they definitely made it their own. Whether they arrived via intentional seeding, an experiment gone amuck, or just by way of a crashed starship, the aliens here are stronger and quicker than those found off-world. There are new adaptations of p.praepotens present on G-435 that exist nowhere else, including an immense Empress mother alien and her entourage of attendants and protectors. Each hive colony here has its own Queen, and order is maintained as long as the Empress lives. Remove her from the equation and the various hives go to war with each other, each Queen striving to dominate and become the new Empress.   Different colonies of p.praepotens here have exoskeletons of varying hues. Because it is uncertain what spectrum—if any—the alien sees in, the color change may seem arbitrary. However, it is theorized that the color shift is a byproduct of chemical pheromones released in the presence of other hives. This allows a Queen and her minions to know if an approaching warrior is a servant or an invader.   In order to breed, p.praepotens requires hosts. Luckily, at least for them, a number of mammal and reptile species exist on G-435. These creatures are cunning, able to keep themselves one step ahead of an eventual extinction caused by Xenomorph XX121.  
Danger! Avoid at all costs. Chances of survival negligible for any non-native lifeforms. Repeat. Avoid at all costs.
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Cover image: by DALLE


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