G-435: ACHILLES 2.4

A Xenomorph XX121 hiveworld, G-435 is overrun with the creatures. Covered in deserts and warm, brackish shallow seas, the terrain on G-435 is mostly flat, save for the alien hive complexes grown there. The steamy nightmare planet is caught in a constant state of dusk. It is home to several indigenous life forms that play host to Plagiarus praepotens, including an avian reptile species. There is little in the form of elevated terrain here, save for the massive alien hive structures that dominate the landscape.   Hidden by twin binary stars, Achilles 2.4, also known as Xenomorph Prime, is at least the size of Earth and possessed three major continents and a small ocean. While the Xenomorph population on Xenomorph Prime was ultimately determined to not be indigenous, it was unknown how they arrived there in the first place; whether they were intentionally imported, or part of an experiment that had gotten out of control, or from a crashed ship, was academic. Regardless, the Xenomorphs made the world their own and built a number of gigantic Hives, at least one of which housed a Queen Mother.  

Flora and Fauna

While the planet featured very minimal vegetation, it hosted indigenous lifeforms, with several avian, mammal or reptile species most likely to play host for the Xenomorphs; however, an unnamed species was known to compete with the Xenomorphs, thus becoming their only natural predator. The Xenomorphs on G-435 were stronger and quicker than their off-world counterparts, with some appearing to have exoskeletons of varying hues. This quirk may have signified hive allegiance; it was theorized that the color shift was a byproduct of chemical pheromones released in the presence of other hives.   Locked in a constant state of dusk, the climate was hot and humid, and the atmosphere was breathable for humans. While the terrain was mostly flat, the planet was covered with shallow salty seas and swamps, and desert wastelands. The areas overrun by Xenomorphs were also covered with Hive resin. G-435's scant resources amounted to little more than Royal Jelly and Xenomorphs.  
Location under
Related Myths

Cover image: by DALLE


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