Gaius is a Walter Series Synthetic, Platinum Edition, and serves as the main quest giver and primary point of contact for the players during the Great Mother Mission. As a highly advanced and sophisticated synthetic, Gaius is equipped with the latest technology and programming, making him an invaluable asset to the mission.   Creation and Purpose Gaius was created as part of the prestigious Walter Series Synthetics, renowned for their advanced capabilities and reliability. The Platinum Edition represents the pinnacle of this series, incorporating cutting-edge technology and programming to enhance performance and functionality. Gaius was specifically designed to assist in complex missions, providing support, guidance, and strategic planning.   Personality and Capabilities Gaius is characterized by his calm and composed demeanor, reflecting the sophisticated programming that governs his behavior. He is highly intelligent, with a vast repository of knowledge and data that he uses to assist the players. Gaius is programmed to prioritize the mission's success and the well-being of the crew, making him a reliable and trustworthy ally.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by DALLE
Character Portrait image: by DALLE


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