Henry Marlow was the captain and owner of the salvage vessel USCSS Anesidora. He was the husband of Catherine Foster. Marlow was in command for the ship's fateful voyage in 2137 when it discovered the derelict ship on LV-426, an incident that ultimately unleashed a Xenomorph infestation on Sevastopol Station and led to the destruction of both the station and the Anesidora.   Once the Xenomorph outbreak began, Marlow found himself in the custody of the Colonial Marshals aboard Sevastopol. He later escaped, only to be killed overloading the Anesidora's reactor in an attempt to destroy the station and thereby eliminate the Xenomorph threat.  


After several lean years salvage hunting in deep space, Marlow was beginning to become desperate for money. The Anesidora and its crew were becoming increasingly run down, and the vessel was in desperate need of a major — and very expensive — overhaul. However, after recovering the Nostromo's flight recorder, Marlow saw the black box as his key to a major payday. Hoping to locate the Nostromo itself and salvage its wreck, Marlow had his crew illegally access the box and extrapolate the flight data it contained. The flight data led the Anesidora to LV-426, where the crew picked up the transmission coming from the derelict ship, mistaking the beacon for a distress signal coming from the Nostromo.   After setting down on the moon, Marlow, Foster, Heyst and Meeks set out on foot to locate the source of the signal, stumbling upon the derelict. Now faced with a salvage haul of truly historic proportions, Marlow led his crew inside to investigate. After discovering equipment abandoned by the Nostromo's crew during their brief visit to the ship, Marlow tracked down the Engineer equipment broadcasting the signal that had lured them to the derelict and deactivated it, not wanting anyone else to discover his find. He then followed Foster and Heyst down into the derelict's cargo hold, where they discovered the same Xenomorph Eggs that Kane had stumbled upon fifteen years before. Within minutes, Foster was attacked by a Facehugger.  
To Sevastopol
After dragging Foster back to his ship, Marlow set a course for Sevastopol Station, hoping to get medical attention for his wife. Once the Facehugger detached from Foster and died, Marlow insisted she enter hypersleep immediately, hoping that cryo would help to forestall any damage the Facehugger might have caused.   Upon reaching Sevastopol, Meeks attempted to prevent Marlow from taking Foster aboard the station, realizing to do so would be a huge breach of quarantine regulations; the two ended up in a physical fight, which Marlow won. Thanks to the black market smuggling ring being run on Sevastopol by Sinclair, Marlow managed to get Foster aboard unchecked and had her admitted to San Cristobal Medical Facility, but she soon perished when the Chestburster inside her emerged. The following day, Marlow was arrested by the Colonial Marshals and thrown in the cells at headquarters for his role in the incident, where he remained as the Xenomorph now loose aboard the station began claiming more and more victims.  
Desperate measures
When Amanda Ripley came to Marlow in the Marshal headquarters, he explained to her his part in unleashing the Xenomorphs upon Sevastopol. He later managed to escape from his cell, presumably by manipulating Taylor's interest in acquiring the creature for the Weyland-Yutani Corporation and convincing her to release him. After escaping his cell, he immediately took Taylor hostage before making for the Anesidora, still parked in orbit around KG-348; realizing the threat to humanity posed by the Xenomorph, he intended to detonate the ship's reactor, destroying Sevastopol station and the creatures with it. He was pursued by Ripley, who still believed there was a chance to save Sevastopol and the survivors still aboard it, and while the two argued Taylor bludgeoned Marlow unconscious with a wrench. Taylor and Ripley attempted to prevent the now imminent explosion, but only succeeded in reducing the severity of the blast.   Both Taylor and the still-unconscious Marlow were killed when the Anesidora exploded, although Ripley managed to escape.


Contacts & Relations

Catherine Foster (wife)
"You don't beat this thing. You can't. All you can do is refuse to engage. You've got to wipe out every trace. Destroy any clue. Stop its infection from spreading. Make sure there's no chance of the human race ever making contact with it again. Because the moment it makes contact, it's won."
— Marlow
Date of Death
December 11, 2137
Owned Vehicles
Related Myths

Cover image: by DALLE
Character Portrait image: by DALLE


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