The USCSS Anesidora, registration number NCC 88-LS, was a Lockmart CM-90S Corvus G-Class deep space salvage vessel privately owned and captained by Henry Marlow. It was notably the vessel responsible for unleashing a lone Xenomorph on Sevastopol Station in 2137, leading to the death of virtually all of its inhabitants. The Anesidora was destroyed when its reactor was set to overload by Marlow in an attempt to destroy Sevastopol and wipe out the Xenomorph infestation.  


Pandora's box
In 2137, while conducting salvage operations in the Zeta2 Reticuli system, the USCSS Anesidora stumbled across the flight recorder unit from the USCSS Nostromo. After recovering and accessing the recorder, Captain Henry Marlow and his crew elected to follow the flight data in the hopes of finding and salvaging the ship itself. Their search led them to Acheron (LV-426), where the crew soon found the derelict ship previously discovered by the crew of the Nostromo fifteen years previously. Within, Marlow found and disabled the derelict's beacon, while Catherine Foster, Marlow's wife, was attacked and subdued by a Facehugger from one of the Xenomorph Eggs in the ship's vast cargo hold.   Hoping to get medical aid for his wife and unaware of the Chestburster now gestating inside her, Marlow took the Anesidora to Sevastopol Station. Foster was taken to Sevastopol's medical center, but the Chestburster duly emerged, killing Foster and beginning a Xenomorph infestation that rapidly overtook the station. Marlow was placed under arrest by the Colonial Marshals for his role in the disaster while the Anesidora remained parked in orbit around KG-348.  
During the chaos of the Xenomorph infestation and the revolt by Sevastopol's Working Joes, Marlow managed to escape from his cell at the Colonial Marshal headquarters and made for his ship, intending to overload its reactor and destroy Sevastopol with the blast, thereby wiping out the rampaging Xenomorphs. Although Amanda Ripley and Nina Taylor attempted to stop the overload, they were unsuccessful; the blast was mitigated, but the Anesidora was still destroyed in the resultant explosion, which damaged Sevastopol's orbital stabilizers and eventually resulted in the station's destruction.
Destruction Date
December 11, 2137
Related Myths

Cover image: by DALLE


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