The J'Har rebels were a human organization founded on the Paraguayan colony world of Torin Prime. Their emergence was directly tied to the political upheavals following the United Americas (UA) formation, a new supernation aimed at consolidating power across numerous colonies and worlds.   Torin Prime, a colony known for its independent spirit and solid local governance, became a hotbed of dissent as the UA sought to extend its influence. The colonists, valuing their autonomy and cultural heritage, viewed the UA's moves as imperialistic and oppressive. The J'Har rebels were born in this charged atmosphere, named after an ancient word signifying "freedom" and "resistance."  

The Coup

Refusing to recognize the authority of the new UA government, the J'Har launched a bold and coordinated coup. Their objectives were clear: to reclaim control over Torin Prime, expel UA forces, and re-establish local governance. The J'Har's operations were meticulously planned and executed with a blend of guerrilla and conventional warfare strategies.   The coup began with strategic strikes against UA communication and transportation hubs, aiming to cripple the colony's infrastructure and cut off reinforcements. This initial phase was followed by a series of targeted assaults on vital military installations and government buildings, aiming to disrupt UA control and rally the local population to their cause.  

United Americas Allied Command Intervention

The J'Har's actions did not go unnoticed. The UA, keen on maintaining its newfound authority and demonstrating its strength, deemed the rebellion a significant threat. In response, the United Americas Allied Command (UAAC) was deployed to Torin Prime to quell the uprising and restore order.   The intervention was swift and brutal. UAAC forces, equipped with advanced weaponry and military assets, launched a full-scale offensive against the J'Har strongholds. Urban areas and rural hideouts became battlegrounds as the UAAC sought to dismantle the rebel infrastructure and capture its leaders.   Despite being outgunned and outnumbered, the J'Har rebels proved formidable opponents. Their intimate knowledge of the local terrain and strong support from many colonists allowed them to execute effective hit-and-run attacks and ambushes. The conflict dragged on, becoming a protracted and bloody struggle that drew the attention of other colonies and interstellar observers.  

Legacy and Impact

The rebellion against Torin Prime left a lasting impact on the political landscape of the United Americas and its colonies. While the UAAC eventually regained control of Torin Prime, the J'Har rebels succeeded in highlighting the discontent and resistance simmering beneath the surface of the new supernation.   The J'Har became symbols of defiance and resistance against what many saw as the overreach of a centralized government. Their actions inspired similar movements in other worlds, where local populations sought to reclaim their autonomy and resist external control.  

Battle Cry

The J'Har's battle cry, "Libertad o Muerte!" (Freedom or Death!), became a powerful symbol of their resistance. It encapsulated their unwavering commitment to autonomy and inspired courage among their ranks.   Current Status Though their numbers have been significantly depleted and their operations have been driven underground, the J'Har rebels are far from defeated. They continue to exist as a covert force, biding their time and waiting for the opportune moment to strike again. Their spirit of resistance endures, fueled by the memory of their struggles and hope for future victories. The J'Har have honed their skills in evading UA surveillance and sustaining their network of sympathizers and operatives. They execute intermittent acts of sabotage and guerrilla warfare, serving as a constant reminder to the UA of their enduring presence and formidable capabilities.

"Libertad o Muerte!"

Founding Date
Illicit, Rebel

Cover image: by DALLE
Character flag image: by DALLE


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