Located in the GJ-229 Torin System of the Outer Rim Territories' Tartarus Sector, the planet Torin Prime was colonized by Paraguay prior to 2104. However, following the formation of the United Americas in 2104, of which Paraguay was now a part, Torin Prime refused to comply with new colonial laws and, in 2106, a rebel faction known as the J'har rose to prominence, sparking a civil war.   Although it was nearly eight decades ago, Torin Prime has never really recovered from its failed succession attempt from the United Americas (see Governments and Corporations). Sanctions keep the colony from thriving like it used to. The local government is prohibited from arming itself, relying instead on direct protection from the UAAC. To the locals, it feels like they are living in a police state. Intelligence reports suggest the J’Har rebel faction is on the rise again, organizing and growing in strength as they plan a coup, this time not just for Torin Prime, but for the entire Tartarus Sector. UA intelligence believes this new revolt will be quietly backed by the UPP, and the Liberty Echo Fleet is preparing to respond accordingly.  

Climate and terrain

Torin Prime's climate was semi–arid; conditions varied from rainy in the summer to dry in winter, with a mean temperature of 18°C and an atmosphere breathable for humans. Some regions were markedly cold. Torin Prime's surface was terrestrial and mountainous, with the lay of the land ranging from hilly glades to vertiginous peaks.  


Torin Prime's key resources included chromium, titanium, osmium, palladium, iridium and heavy metals.  


As of 2183, Torin Prime's human population stood at 700,000.  

Points of interest

Concentration Camp GR-161 was among many detention facilities on Torin Prime in which the J'Har detained political opponents and POWs during their insurgency. Three colonies were also present on the planet, in addition to the Weyland-Yutani Corporation's Special Operations Center.  
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

Articles under TORIN PRIME

Cover image: by DALLE


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