In the high-stakes world of interstellar corporate power plays, Kamal Vartouhi stands as a formidable figure. As a high-ranking director within the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, his role in the Great Mother Mission is clear: to ensure that the interests of Weyland-Yutani come first, no matter the cost. With a reputation for ruthless efficiency and unwavering loyalty, Vartouhi is a master of corporate strategy and manipulation.  

Early Life and Career

Kamal Vartouhi’s path to power began in a family deeply entrenched in corporate culture. Raised with an acute understanding of business dynamics, he was groomed for success from a young age. His sharp intellect and strategic mind quickly propelled him through the ranks of Weyland-Yutani, earning him a reputation as a shrewd and calculating leader.   By the time he reached his middle years, Vartouhi had become a key figure within the company, known for his ability to navigate complex corporate politics and deliver results. His neatly combed dark hair, well-groomed beard, and sharp, piercing eyes reflect his meticulous nature and attention to detail. Always impeccably dressed in tailored suits, he exudes an air of authority and confidence.  

Personality and Motivations

Vartouhi’s calm and composed demeanor masks a deeply calculating mind. He is a strategic thinker and expert negotiator, capable of persuasive communication that can sway even the most stubborn adversaries. However, his focus on corporate interests often makes him appear cold and untrustworthy to those who don’t share his unwavering loyalty to Weyland-Yutani.   For Kamal Vartouhi, the company's interests always come first. His primary motivation is to advance Weyland-Yutani’s goals, maximize profits, and secure valuable resources and technology. His ambition drives him to seek greater power and influence within the corporation, viewing success in the Great Mother Mission as a significant step towards his personal and professional advancement. Ensuring that Weyland-Yutani maintains control over the mission and its outcomes is paramount, positioning the company favorably against its competitors.  

Role in the Great Mother Mission

When the players first encounter Vartouhi, they meet a man who presents himself as an influential and authoritative figure. He outlines Weyland-Yutani's expectations with a confident air, making it clear that cooperation is not optional but a necessity. As he shares critical information and resources, his assistance always comes with strings attached, emphasizing the importance of aligning their actions with the company’s interests.   Throughout the mission, Vartouhi remains deeply involved in strategic planning and decision-making processes. He offers guidance and strategic advice while applying subtle pressure to ensure that the players prioritize Weyland-Yutani's objectives. He controls the distribution of resources, ensuring that critical assets are allocated to projects that benefit the corporation. His involvement in conflict resolution often sways decisions in favor of Weyland-Yutani, using his influence and authority to maintain control.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by DALLE
Character Portrait image: by DALLE
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