Van Leuwen was the ICC representative who chaired Ellen Ripley's tribunal over the loss of the commercial freighter Nostromo. Finding no evidence to support officer Ripley’s claims of an alien lifeform that boarded the ship on LV-426 and killed her crew, Van Leuwen dismissed her claims, revoked her flight status, and remanded her to psychiatric evaluation. When the colony on LV-426 went silent, Paul at first thought it was a coincidence—likely a downed transmitter or solar flare up. When he found out that a platoon of Colonial Marines with Ripley as an advisor were sent to investigate and also disappeared, he began to wonder if the former Nostromo officer had been telling the truth. Learning of the destruction of the colony and Robert Morse’s Space Beast book, Van Leuwen launched an ICC inquiry to get to the bottom of this alleged alien. Skeptical and jaded from a lifetime of experience, Paul is nonetheless now seeing the galaxy through fresh eyes. Booking private passage on W-Y corporate shuttles, Van Leuwen can be seen coming and going from Anchorpoint station as his investigation proceeds.
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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