The Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICC) is the central organization responsible for overseeing and regulating interstellar trade. All trade vessels and crew members must hold an ICC license, and the ICC enforces stringent quarantine procedures on all Earth-bound cargo. The ICC's mandate includes the authority to enforce planetary and system quarantines, and in extreme cases, it can order full-scale planetary sterilization through nuclear bombardment or other means. Despite being nominally independent, the ICC is effectively owned and operated by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation.  

Public Agenda

The ICC ensures that every commercial starship passes inspection and that each crew member holds an ICC license to operate vessels designated for transporting food, persons, raw materials, or goods across star systems. Amidst rumors of alien lifeforms and pathogens, the ICC has intensified its inspections, particularly on ships returning from deep space and the Frontier. The focus is on ensuring licensed crews, certified cargoes, and the absence of unauthorized items on board.  


The ICC is headquartered on KOI 812.03, known as “Ruby Colony,” which boasts the largest spaceport in the Outer Veil. This system is a critical junction for traffic between the Outer Rim and the Core. The ICC operates inspection teams and coast guard cutters at major space stations in the United Americas (UA), the Three World Empire , and Independent Core System Colonies (ICSC), while also patrolling the Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP) border.  


In response to several communicable disease outbreaks on space stations and Luna, the UA and 3WE considered creating governmental agencies to regulate resource transport and maintain shipping lanes. However, Weyland-Yutani preemptively established the ICC, advocating for self-regulation over governmental oversight. Satisfied with the ICC's capabilities, the governments allowed business to resume as usual.  

Enforcement and Military Actions

The ICC possesses statutory powers to enforce quarantines and, when necessary, order drastic measures such as planetary sterilization. One notable instance was the sterilization of New Earth Colony in 2157. Additionally, the ICC organizes and coordinates military operations against colonies in violation of its regulations. An ongoing example, as of the early 2180s, is the suppression of the colonial revolt on Alexandria. These campaigns primarily utilize forces seconded from the militaries and security forces of various corporations and nation-states, with the United States Colonial Marine Corps (USCM) often playing a leading role.  

Foreign Relations

Although the ICC is presented as an autonomous entity with no specific allegiance, it is in reality owned and operated by Weyland-Yutani. This relationship raises questions about the commission's impartiality and motivations.

Collaboration with Colonial Marshals

All major Colonial Marshal offices have an ICC agent attached to them, ensuring that ICC regulations are enforced consistently across various jurisdictions. This collaboration underscores the ICC's pervasive influence and control over interstellar trade and law enforcement.

Foreign Relations

While they are allegedly an autonomous entity with loyalties to no particular party, the ICC is in fact owned and operated by Weyland-Yutani. Make of that what you will.
Corporation, Commerce
Ruling Organization
Legislative Body
The Interstellar Commerce Commission is run by a board of directors with representatives from every major corporation and government. The ICC will send an executive to meditate on matters important to the trade commission.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Cover image: by DALLE


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