Polymetal is a revolutionary synthetic alloy renowned for its exceptional resistance to decay and unparalleled durability. This advanced material has become the cornerstone of construction and manufacturing in the Aliens universe, widely used in creating spacecraft, space stations, and various industrial applications. Its unique properties make it the material of choice for enduring the harshest conditions encountered in space and on alien worlds.  

History and Development

The development of Polymetal dates back to the mid-21st century when scientists and engineers sought a solution to the limitations of traditional metals and alloys. Traditional materials often succumbed to corrosion, radiation, and extreme temperatures, necessitating frequent repairs and replacements. The breakthrough came when a team of Weyland researchers, led by Dr. Helena Maris, successfully synthesized Polymetal in 2057.   Polymetal's creation involved the fusion of advanced polymers with metallic elements, resulting in an alloy that combined the best attributes of both. The material's unique molecular structure provided exceptional strength, flexibility, and resistance to decay, setting a new standard for durability.  


Polymetal is characterized by several fundamental properties:
Resistance to Decay
Polymetal's synthetic composition makes it highly resistant to corrosion, oxidation, and other forms of chemical degradation. This resistance ensures that structures built with Polymetal maintain their integrity over extended periods, even in harsh environments.
The alloy's molecular structure endows it with remarkable strength and resilience. It can withstand extreme temperatures, high radiation levels, and intense physical stress without compromising its structural integrity.
Despite its strength, Polymetal retains flexibility, allowing it to absorb and distribute impact forces effectively. This property makes it ideal for use in spacecraft hulls, which must endure the rigours of space travel.
Low Maintenance
Structures and equipment constructed from Polymetal require minimal maintenance due to the material's longevity and resistance to wear and tear. This attribute significantly reduces operational costs and downtime.  


Polymetal's versatility has led to its widespread adoption in various industries:
Spacecraft Construction
Polymetal is a primary material in the construction of spacecraft and space stations. Its ability to withstand the vacuum of space, extreme temperatures, and cosmic radiation ensures the safety and longevity of these critical structures.
Industrial Manufacturing
The material's resistance to corrosive substances and physical stress makes it ideal for industrial machinery and equipment. Polymetal components are common in mining operations, refineries, and other heavy industries.
Infrastructure Development
Polymetal is used in the construction of buildings and infrastructure on alien worlds. Its durability ensures that colonies and research outposts remain operational and secure, even in the most challenging environments.  


Polymetal represents the pinnacle of material science and engineering. Its development has enabled humanity to explore and colonize distant worlds, providing the necessary resilience to thrive in hostile environments. The material's role in spacecraft construction and industrial applications underscores its importance in advancing human civilization beyond Earth. Polymetal has also played a critical role in military and defence applications. Its use in constructing armoured vehicles, weapons, and protective gear has provided a strategic advantage in conflicts against hostile alien species and other threats.
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Cover image: by DALLE


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