After analyzing data from the Sulaco's flight recorder retrieved at Fury 161, Weyland-Yutani and the USCMC engineering corps sought to develop a weaponized power loader as a deterrent against Xenomorph XX121. However, the cumbersome controls of the exosuit rendered it ineffective. Spencer Lyndon from Hyperdyne Cooporation proposed a radical solution: transform the project into a cybernetic mechanized weapon system with a human being as the biological component—the MOX (Mobile Offensive Exowarrior).  


Initial attempts to integrate a neurotransmission feed directly into the skull of the suit's biological component resulted in fatal sensory overload. Career enlisted men with combat experience were chosen but often committed suicide upon activation. Aggressive and psychotic military convicts from Skyfire Down proved more viable. A Skyfire Down Berserker unit successfully eradicated a Project Life Force outbreak on Garrison Alpha moon 3326 but annihilated its squad and the outpost in the process.  


Volunteers traded one form of imprisonment for another, more torturous one. Once hardwired into the exosuit, removal meant certain death, making the MOX a sealed tomb for its operator.  


External command components from a Holotab, APC Tactical Operations Center, or Field P-DAT can control intravenous injectors in the biological component's wrists, administering X-Stims for activation and Naproleve injections or sedatives for subduing. Berserkers are kept in stasis until deployment, often via dropships or experimental Dead Drop Pods. They have enough power to last up to one Shift before shutdown. If the operator dies, the exosuit will march to the designated LZ, expel the expired biomatter, and enter standby mode for a new operator.  

Operational Use

Berserkers are designed for high-intensity combat scenarios where conventional forces would be ineffective or overwhelmed. They are particularly useful in situations requiring brute force and indiscriminate destruction. The exosuit's advanced hydraulics and reinforced armor provide unparalleled strength and resilience, allowing it to tear through Xenomorph hordes or fortified positions with ease.  

Ethical and Practical Challenges

The use of Berserkers raises significant ethical and practical concerns. The conversion process is irreversible, and the operator is essentially entombed within the exosuit, subjected to constant pain and sensory overload. This has led to a high mortality rate and frequent psychological breakdowns among volunteers. Additionally, the Berserkers' lack of precise control and tendency towards indiscriminate violence make them as much a threat to allied forces as to the enemy.  

Future Developments

To address these issues, future iterations of the Berserker program will include an explosive kill switch to prevent rogue units from causing unintended casualties. Efforts are also being made to improve the stability of the neuro-interface and reduce the sensory overload experienced by operators. Hyperdyne Corporation is exploring the possibility of integrating AI control systems to assist human operators and enhance the precision of the exosuit's movements.  

Current Disposition

Project Berserker is recruiting volunteers from Skyfire Down and considering dysfunctional AW soldiers. While field tests have not yet extended beyond controlled scenarios, Command has approved the testing of a dozen exosuits.
by Martin Grip, Gustaf Ekelund, Jarek Kubicki
  The MOX is bristling with weapons, including grasping claws, grenade launchers, an incinerator unit and the same model 25mm pulse gatling gun installed on Cheyenne dropships. It’s vacuum-rated armored shell completely encloses the user, offers HAZMAT protection, and is composed of an acid resistant alloy.   The exosuit gives +3 to RANGED COMBAT and all STRENGTH-based skill rolls, but the wearer cannot use any EMPATHY-based skills at all. The suit has Armor Rating 10, Air Supply 8, and does not encumber the wearer. It is impervious to acid attacks, and includes the below built-in weapons:  
  • 25mm Gatling Gun
  • M240 Incinerator Unit
  • Stun Baton
  • U1 M40 Grenade Launcher
  • U4 Repeating Grenade Launcher with QTC Firebomb Ammunition
  • Grasping Claw (Damage 2)

    HEALTH: 7
    TALENTs: Tough, Killer, Rapid Fire
    GEAR: Mark 1 Mobile Offensive Exowarrior Suit

    Cover image: by DALLE


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