The book is a brief recounting of the events that occurred on Fiorina "Fury" 161 in August 2179, specifically the arrival of Ellen Ripley at the Class C Work Correctional Unit on the planet and the subsequent killing spree carried out by a lone Xenomorph that she unwittingly brought with her, leading to the death of virtually all of the remaining inmates at the prison and the closure of the facility.   Owing to the highly sensitive nature of the material, despite its crudely-written nature, the book was almost immediately banned. Nevertheless, illicit copies still entered circulation. The book had since developed a strong cult following. Though some perceived events within the book to be mere fiction, others have interpreted it to be religious gospel, and have formulated millenarian cults around it. At least one was read by Annalee Call prior to the incident aboard the USM Auriga in 2381.
"You'd think W-Y would have shown some appreciation that I saved their team from being eaten by a roasted monster, but no joy. That's part of the reason I want this story out, to clearly make the point that Weyland-Yutani is a bunch of ungrateful fuckers."
Item type
Book / Document
Related Myths

Cover image: by DALLE


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