While colorful, Morse’s Space Beast account of what happened on Fury 161 is accurate. During the Hadley’s Hope Incident on LV-426, an alien Queen managed to come aboard the USS Sulaco and deposit at least one undeveloped egg sac aboard the ship before being expelled from the airlock by mission advisor Lt. Ellen Ripley. As the Sulaco’s computers were subsequently damaged, it is unclear if there were one or two facehuggers birthed aboard at the time—but what is clear is that one was able to produce a royal embryo. Once the unsuspecting survivors entered hypersleep, the newly hatched creature attempted to gain entry to Jorden’s cryotube, accidentally causing an electrical fire in the Sulaco’s hypersleep chambers. The ship’s MU/TH/UR ejected the EEV pod, launching Ripley, Corporal Hicks, Rebecca Jorden, and the Sulaco’s Bishop android towards Fury 161. Their pod eventually crashed into the ocean near the correctional facility.   Hicks and Jorden did not survive the crash, and the Bishop android was damaged beyond repair. Lt. Ripley was soon found to be gestating a Queen within her. Either the royal facehugger was able to produce two embryos—an ability that W-Y scientists have hypothesized but been unable to confirm—or a second facehugger was also aboard the EEV with them. Regardless of the culprit, one of the facility’s domestic animals was subsequently impregnated with the Runner variety of p.praepotens. The Runner managed to slaughter all the convicts and staff except for Morse and prison guard Francis Aaron. Because of the unborn Queen Ripley carried, the Runner left her unmolested.   Aware that the lieutenant was a carrier, Weyland-Yutani dispatched CEO Michael Bishop and a crack medical team to retrieve the embryo. As they arrived, Ripley and Morse > managed to put down the Runner. Aaron attacked Michael and was killed by company commandos, and Ripley threw herself into the leadworks furnace to prevent the company from acquiring the Queen.   After the incident, Weyland-Yutani examined the leadworks and prison facilities, hoping to find any trace of alien DNA. Although they were able to collect blood samples of Lt. Ripley that were taken by Dr. Clemens before her death, no viable p.praepotens genetic material was found. The company ordered the site closed and put the equipment there up for sale as scrap.   Not all the quinitricetyline was used up in the inmates’ bid to rid the prison of the star beast. While most of the facility on Fury 161 has been stripped and prepped for scrap, Weyland-Yutani has yet to find any buyers for it—and that includes the remaining drums stored there. But that’s not all.   The Weyland-Yutani team assigned to comb the facility wasn’t as thorough as they could have been—likely because their corporate masters were reluctant to explain exactly what they were looking for. Deep in the bowels of the long abandoned sections of the facility lie the beginnings of a secreted resin hive. Just as the Drone Xenomorph aboard the Nostromo had done with Dallas and Brett, the Fury 161 Runner had been creating a nest and had already begun the process of transforming Superintendent Andrews and inmates Boggs and Rains into contingency ovomorphs.   Other parties have since taken interest in Morse’s Space Beast, and it’s only a matter of time before someone sends their own covert team to investigate. For now, the Fury 161 alien eggs lay dormant, waiting for someone to stumble upon them.

Cover image: by DALLE


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