The United Americas-Union of Progressive Peoples War, which began in 2186, marks a significant escalation in the longstanding rivalry between two of the galaxy's most formidable powers. This conflict has spread across the frontier regions, threatening the stability of numerous colonies and altering the delicate balance of power within the Three World Empire.  


Political Tensions
For decades, the United Americas and the Union of Progressive Peoples have been at odds, primarily due to their stark ideological differences. The UA operates under a capitalist framework with extensive corporate backing, while the UPP adheres to socialist principles and a state-controlled economy. These contrasting philosophies have led to numerous diplomatic conflicts and proxy wars, especially in resource-rich frontier regions.  
Prelude to War
The frontier regions have long been a hotbed of tension between the UA and UPP. Sporadic skirmishes and acts of sabotage were common, but a major incident on the UA colony of LV-862 served as the catalyst for open warfare. The attack, which resulted in significant casualties and destruction, was blamed on the UPP, though they denied involvement. Regardless of the truth, this incident ignited a full-scale conflict.  

Major Theaters of War

Far Spinward Colonies
The Far Spinward Colonies hold strategic importance due to their proximity to vital resources and uncharted territories. Recognizing the potential and risks, the United Nations has launched the Great Mother Mission to this region. This ambitious mission includes representatives from major states such as the United Americas (UA), Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP), and the Three World Empire (3WE), along with key players from major corporations.   The outcome of the Great Mother Mission and the broader conflict in the Far Spinward Colonies will significantly impact the balance of power among the UA, UPP, and 3WE. The success or failure of this mission could determine the future of human expansion into the galaxy's frontier, as well as the fate of countless colonists caught in the crossfire.  
Middle Heavens
The Middle Heavens, a region populated by well-established colonies and industrial hubs, has become a critical battleground in the conflict between the United Americas (UA) and the Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP). Its significance lies in its extensive infrastructure, resource-rich planets, and its position as a major trade and communication nexus. As a result, control over this region is seen as vital for both sides in their bid for supremacy.   The Middle Heavens' strategic importance cannot be overstated. Its extensive infrastructure and industrial capacity are critical to sustaining long-term military operations. Furthermore, its position as a central hub for trade and communication makes it a vital region for maintaining supply lines and command structures. Control over the Middle Heavens could provide a decisive advantage in the broader conflict between the UA and UPP.  
New Albion
Amidst the chaos of the United Americas-Union of Progressive Peoples war, the world of New Albion has declared its independence from the Three World Empire (3WE). This bold move has introduced a new layer of complexity to an already volatile situation. Although hostilities have not yet erupted on New Albion, its strategic location and abundant resources make it a potential flashpoint for future conflicts.   New Albion stands at a critical juncture, its future hanging in the balance. The planet’s strategic location, rich resources, and complex political landscape make it a focal point in the broader conflict between the United Americas and the Union of Progressive Peoples. As both powers continue to vie for control, the fate of New Albion will significantly influence the course of the war and the stability of the region.  
Humanitarian Impact
The war between the United Americas and the Union of Progressive Peoples has created a humanitarian catastrophe, with civilians bearing the brunt of the conflict. Displacement, resource shortages, and collateral damage have upended lives and communities. Humanitarian efforts are ongoing but face significant challenges in addressing the vast scope of the crisis. As the war continues, the civilian population's suffering underscores the urgent need for resolution and peace.  
Political Ramifications
The conflict has further destabilized the 3WE, as factions within the empire exploit the chaos to pursue their own agendas. Internal strife and potential secessionist movements have emerged, adding complexity to the war. New Albion’s breakaway from the 3WE has added another layer of uncertainty, as its future alignment could significantly impact the ongoing conflict.   United Nations Expedition The destabilization of the 3WE amidst the UA-UPP war represents a significant and ongoing challenge. Internal strife and secessionist movements are fracturing the empire from within, while the breakaway of New Albion has introduced new uncertainties and potential realignments. As the conflict continues, the fate of the 3WE hangs in the balance, with its future likely to be shaped by the outcomes of these internal and external pressures. The ripple effects of this destabilization will not only affect the 3WE but could also alter the broader geopolitical landscape of the galaxy.
Conflict Type

Cover image: by DALLE


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