The United Americas is the most powerful starfaring and colonizing nation in the 22nd century. An economic and political giant in both the Sol system and throughout the off-world colonies, the military might of the UA is unparalleled.


The UAAC is the joint command of military forces of all members of the United Americas. It is comprised of the United States Colonial Marine Corps (USCMC), the Canadian Colonial Armed Forces (CCAF), the Latin American Colonial Navy (LACN), The United States AeroSpace Force (USASF), and the United Americas Outer Rim Defense Fleet (UAORDF). Headed by the Secretary of Defense, the allied command is a think tank of high level admirals and generals who devise strategy for, and coordinate, all major combat operations.  
Founded before the United Americas merger, the primary focus of the USCMC is to maintain the security of all UA member states and extrasolar colonies. The USCMC spearheads all military campaigns undertaken by the United Americas Allied Command. They maintain several bases across the territories and are stationed at all UA garrisons, placing them within striking distance of nearly any hot spot. While they often operate in tandem with the Aerospace Force and Outer Rim Defense Fleet, they operate their own fleet of frigates and troop transports. At a constant state of readiness, the USCMC has the technology and training to deploy troops at a moment’s notice and operate an independent unit for extended periods in hostile environments without any support. Throughout the eight decades since its inception, the USCMC has engaged in armed conflicts on nearly thirty extrasolar worlds. They have fought rogue nations and rebel colonies, as well as faced off against foreign powers in border and resource disputes. They have provided humanitarian aid in natural disasters, protected civilians in terrorist and hostage crises, and secured colonies from hostile lifeforms.  
This UA division was formed to protect the rights of all off-world colonists. CA supports and monitors all UA extrasolar colonies and stations and makes sure that supply chains flow as intended, vaccines are distributed, and that a semblance of order is maintained. For decades they have fought to have a minimum wage established for colonists, only to have their efforts blocked by corporate lobbyists.  
The law enforcement arm of the Colonial Administration is the Colonial Marshal Bureau, which maintains police offices throughout the colonies and works with the Interstellar Commerce Commission to prevent the import or export of dangerous biologicals and chemicals. All major Marshal offices have an Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICC) agent attached to them. The Marshals also often work in conjunction with US Federal agencies.

Public Agenda

The United Americas has engaged in increased border conflicts with the UPP over disputed worlds. Recently, several USCMC units have gone missing, causing the UA to launch a full investigation. Colonel Percival’s recon battalion has found growing evidence that Weyland-Yutani may be directly responsible for the loss of Hadley’s Hope on LV-426—a colony under the joint jurisdiction of Colonial Administration and the company. If relations deteriorate further between the UA and W-Y, the 3WE could be dragged into the conflict, and that could mean war.


As the nations that later became the 3WE pioneered humanity's expansion into the core systems and Outer Veil, most of the colonies of the United Americas occupy a vast area of the Outer Rim Territories called the American Arm. The UA Allied Command operates military bases and stations throughout all the territories and additional colonies are laced along the Frontier. Key worlds include Bracken’s World, Terraform 3, Morning Glory, and the Crestus Garrison Systems.


Created to counter the financial and political might of the newly formed Three World Empire, The United Americas emerged in 2104 as a union of the nations of North, Central, and South America into one socioeconomic block. This alliance allowed the Americas to catch up to the 3WE and become pioneers of space travel and extrasolar colonies in their own right. The Washington Treaty played a pivotal role in the merger, defining the member states’ responsibilities to the union and outlining provisions for military action performed under the flag of the United Americas. The United States of America stood at the forefront of the newly formed nation, its preexisting scientific and military industrial complex paving the way for the United States Colonial Marine Corps to become humanity’s premiere peacekeeping force throughout the colonies.   When the United Americas was formed, there were already several off-world colonies settled by its member states before the union—and not all of these worlds were happy to be part of this new, all-encompassing government. Torin Prime was one of them. Refusing to acknowledge the authority of the UA, a terrorist rebel faction calling themselves the J’Har seized the colony, murdered planetside officials, and killed or imprisoned anyone not loyal to their cause. Fearful that other colonies would follow suite, the UA was left with no choice but to make an example of Torin Prime. As the J’Har rounded up more than half the population and interred them in concentration camps, the newly formed United Americas Allied Command (UAAC) worked with counter insurgents planetside to retake the world. When the J’Har managed to gain control of a flotilla of warships, the Outer Rim Defense Fleet responded in kind. The civil war escalated into a larger space war and took two years to resolve, but in the process the UA cemented their standing as a powerful nation amongst the stars.

Foreign Relations

The United Americas and the Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP) have been in a state of cold war for decades. While the Colonial Marines are in place to keep the peace for the colonies of the American Arm, contracts and treaties with the 3WE and the Independent Core System Colonies mean that they are also obligated to protect their worlds as well. While the USCMC is not controlled by Weyland-Yutani, the company’s business holdings with the United Americas Allied Command means that the Colonial Marines can be called upon to provide security to W-Y assets at any time—a fact that doesn't sit well with many a platoon commander.
Geopolitical, State
Legislative Body
The United Americas is essentially an extension of the government of the United States of America, and as such is run by a President, Vice President, and a Congress representing all member signatories. On the Frontier, any encounter with UA leadership is likely to be with a Colonial Marshal, a bureaucrat from Colonial Administration, or a commander of the Colonial Marines.


Cover image: by DALLE


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