Date: December 12, 2178
Classification: Top Secret
From: Dr. Evelyn Mercer, Executive Director of Advanced Research, Weyland-Yutani Corporation
To: Board of Directors, Weyland-Yutani Corporation  
Subject: Initiation of Project Starhunter
The primary objective of Project Starhunter is to acquire Yautja technology and biological specimens for research and development. The successful execution of this initiative is expected to significantly advance Weyland-Yutani's capabilities in several key areas, including weaponry, stealth technology, and medical applications.     Background
Numerous reports and survivor accounts have highlighted encounters with an extraterrestrial species known as the Yautja, or Predators. These beings exhibit technological advancements far surpassing current human capabilities. Notable incidents include the disappearance of Ute Colony on KOI-1430 and various unverified sightings in the Far Spinward colonies. The potential benefits of harnessing Yautja technology necessitate a dedicated and covert effort to capture and study these beings and their equipment.     Methods
  Covert Operations
  • Deploy specialized operatives to high Yautja activity zones, such as dense jungles and remote colonies.
  • Utilize advanced stealth technology and misinformation tactics to avoid detection by both Yautja and local authorities.
  • Capture live specimens and retrieve technological artifacts for transport to containment facilities.

  •   Collaborations
  • Form alliances with local militias and mercenaries experienced in dealing with Yautja encounters.
  • Offer advanced weaponry, financial incentives, and resources in exchange for cooperation and intelligence sharing.

  •   Containment Facilities
  • Construct specialized containment facilities with high-security measures to house captured Yautja specimens.
  • Ensure the safety of research personnel and prevent any possibility of escape or unauthorized access.

  • Expected Outcomes
    The acquisition and study of Yautja technology are projected to yield significant advancements in multiple fields:
  • Advanced Weaponry: Development of energy-based weapons and improved projectile systems.
  • Medical Applications: Exploration of Yautja biological properties for enhanced healing technologies and potential biological augmentation.
  • Space Exploration: Integration of Yautja stealth capabilities into Weyland-Yutani starship designs for improved exploration and tactical advantage.

  •   Risks and Mitigations
  • Retaliation: Yautja are known for their hunting prowess and may retaliate against capture attempts. Establish contingency plans for immediate evacuation and defense.
  • Ethical Concerns: The capture of sentient beings raises ethical issues. Implement rigorous confidentiality protocols and misinformation campaigns to mitigate public backlash.
  • Operational Security: Maintain the highest levels of operational security to prevent leaks and ensure the success of Project Starhunter.

  • Conclusion
    Project Starhunter represents a bold and necessary step towards securing Weyland-Yutani's dominance in the interstellar arena. The potential technological and biological advancements justify the risks involved. Immediate approval and allocation of resources are requested to initiate this critical operation.   Signed,
    Dr. Evelyn Mercer
    Executive Director of Advanced Research
    Weyland-Yutani Corporation
    Record, Memo
    Digital Recording, Text
    Signatories (Organizations)

    Cover image: by DALLE


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