You have a canny knack for seeing the terrain in a way no one else can, and getting your vehicle safely where it needs to go. You gain +2 to all PILOTING: AGILITY rolls when driving a ground or submersible vehicle.  


You are an expert prospector and can sniff out rich resources better than anyone. When prospecting, you roll twice on the Prospecting Finds table and keep the best result.  


Vehicle systems, life-support, colony functions and all types of machines break down just when you need them most, but you’re used to it. You can make a HEAVY MACHINERY: STRENGTH roll as a slow action to cajole, massage, pray or use kind words to make an otherwise broken machine work for just a moment longer. The number of successes multiplied by two determines how many Rounds the machine will continue to operate, with a minimum of 1, before it splutters its last in a plume of black smoke.

Cover image: by DALLE


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