Znoy Outpost is mostly underground, having been driven into the rock like a giant stake. During the day, the outpost unfurls a solar shield to both protect it from the direct heat and to harness the star’s rays and recharge its power cells. A “day” on 17 Phei Phei E lasts nearly two Earth months while a “night” lasts about 28 Earth days. Supply ships can only approach when the outpost is on the night side, as the planetoid itself shields the transports from the extreme heat of the sun.   Assignment to Znoy is considered a punishment. It is understaffed and ill-equipped to face even an unlikely invasion that might come through this area. While it is equipped with system-wide orbital nuclear arrays, the outpost itself has only two dropships and four heat-shielded tracked vehicles for surface operations. To make matters worse for the soldiers assigned there, Znoy is the closest UPP military installation to Zeta Reticuli, and the United Americas Allied Command is investigating the possibility that a UPP strike was launched there against Hadley’s Hope. If such an attack did happen, the UAAC believes it would have originated from Znoy.  
Military, Base
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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