BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Johan Skegg

Johan was born in Bryn Shander in Icewind Dale. Are your parents still alive? Any siblings?   He became an acolyte of Ilmater in the House of the Triad in Bryn Shander. What led you to the faith? Was there a triggering moment? Or just a way to eat/survive?   The temple has fallen on hard times with the sun not showing for so long. The head of the church left for the south to look for aid when it was realized the sun had not returned. The passes have long since closed, so none is likely to be coming. The current top ranking clergy in the House of the Triad is an elder paladin named Peiter.   He has been going out lately with some of a young warrior of Torm to help. A goliath who showed up looking for refuge. Strangely he refuses to talk anytime questions about his people come up.   Beasts have become bolder in attacking people as food grows more scarce.   Recently, Dain, a dwarven priest of Morardin, has come to the temple. He has given you the nickname "Johnny Prays-A-Lot", but you are becoming friends as he also wants to find a way to end the suffering of the people.   Sometoime in the last year, a small, homeless, orphan, halfling showed up at the doors of the temple seeking sanctuary.   Shortly before the passes closed, an elven scholar, with a martial bent, arrived to study the scrolls about the outbreak of undead that happened in Icewind Dale 4 or 5 years ago.      


Nationality/Origin: Tethyrian Title: Brother <- Acolyte   As an acolyte, you command the respect of those who share your faith, and you can perform the religious ceremonies of your deity. You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established presence of your faith, though you must provide any material components needed for spells. Those who share your religion will support you (but only you) at a modest lifestyle.   You might also have ties to a specific temple dedicated to your chosen deity or pantheon, and you have a residence there. This could be the temple where you used to serve, if you remain on good terms with it, or a temple where you have found a new home. While near your temple, you can call upon the priests for assistance, provided the assistance you ask for is not hazardous and you remain in good standing with your temple.  

Personality Traits

I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and constantly refer to that person’s deeds and example. I quote (or misquote) sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation.  


Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)  


Everything I do is for the common people.  


My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith in my god.
Current Residence
Bryn Shander
Brown, short
5' 9"
Aligned Organization


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