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Special Materials

On your adventures you may encounter or have the opportunity to create equipment constructed using the following special materials:    

Rules for Special Materials

The following general rules apply to Weapons and Armor constructed using special materials:
  • Armor and shields constructed using adamantine or dragonhide have a base cost equal to twenty times that of the same item made exclusively of normal materials.
  • Armor and shields constructed using other special materials have a base cost equal to ten times as much.
  • Weapons made of special materials vary in price, typically costing upwards of 2,000 gp.
  • Weapons made of special materials automatically possess the silvered and magical tags.

Mithral and Adamantine

  The options for adamantine and mithral presented herein are intended to replace the adamantine and mithral armors found in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The properties of adamantine have been adjusted to more closely reflect its more iconic status of previous editions.


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