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Barrel Scrapers

The Barrel Scrapers are a team or guild of vagabonds who primally smuggle contraband across cities and bootleg. Although they try to avoid this has much as possible they have been known to steal or kidnap on comission. Although they have a do no more harm than neccessary and a kill only when neccesary policy.   Members of the guild are well-treated provided with board and essentials as well as a commison upon sucessfully created jobs. Within the guild there are two roles; enforcers and runners.   They primary work with transporting goods that have restictions such as alchol, medicinal tinctures, and power crystals but they are also know for transporting various potions, bootleg scrolls and prepapared spell. along with some religous artifacts, such as small toems for the Xegruni faith. The latter has put a target on their back with the Brotherhood of Tarn.


The gang is headed by Vassidy   a smuggler who started it with her family. She is now the only original member left and has since brough in several others. Vassidy tends to seek out the waywards and those who don't fit and takes them under her wing.   All members of the gang are given the same rank and power although they are broken into two titles; enforcers who primarily stay with the goup or the base and follow, larger group-based objectives, and runners who follow smaller tasks, often independently mostly cting as couriers.   Asper The Wanderer is a runner and @m


The scrapers believe everyone in the guild is on equal standing. they believe laws are suggestions and loyalty to the guild comes before all else. They also have a 'kill only where neccesary code' and to steal only what can be afforded. Their crest 'Only rats will squeal' references loyalty and secracy when caught.   The larger organisations at play are aware of their existance but deem them as not a threat or too troublesome to pin down, although the Brotherhood would attack them if given a chance due to their distribution of magic and religous items.    The group has a pro-magic stance with various socerors in their ranks although they do not advertise this.

Public Agenda

The Scrapers want to cement themselves as a cornerstone of the trade network, doing so much works that they are irreproachable by the government, legitimising their status as a specialised courier network.


The Barrel Scrapers greatest asset is their connections and their charm, Vassidy only chooses those who are able to co mingle and charm their way out of conflict which makes Asper The Wanderer a great member and Wylde a terrible one.    The gang is in possession of a base in Umpton where they have horses and in Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide where they have a small ship. They also have two custom trains capable of travelling on the Elven Network Trade Route Although one is destroyed prior to the story.


The gang is headed by Vassidy a smuggler who started it with her family, Vassidy was the youngest sibling and the last one alive from the original family. Originally it was started because the family would engage in petty crime to keep themselves alive no matter how many jobs they did it seemed that they were always scrping the botttom of the barell, hence the name. There are rumors that same family was the one behind developing Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide but Vassidy is a human and that would have predated any human's life span, right?

Only rats will squeal

Alternative Names
The Royal Watchmen
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Notable Members
The Barell scrapers are effectively disbanded after the seige on Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide by the Brotherhood of Tarn which left several members dead. The surviving members would go on to fight during the battle of Zentawen

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