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Asper (a.k.a. Asper the Wanderer)

A young Orcs, Asper is someone who above all else values their freedom, they are always travelling from place to place looking for the next quest or the next adventure. Although they like people and are liked by people they know they only need themselves to be happy.   Asper runs into Sloan Du Mar whilst they are tasked with traking down Wylde the soceror. Sloan explains his conflict as Asper offers to guide him to the Barrel Scrapers in order to use the Elven Network Trade Route. Unknownst to Sloan, Asper wishes to bring Sloan there so that Vassidy can interrogate him about the Wreck of the barrel scrapers bootleg train.  


Asper works alongside Vassidy and the rest of the Barrel Scrapers as a runner. They are an incredibly fast runner and extremely resourceful, because of this they are tasked with smuggling goods and contraband solo from town to town.  


Asper is a magic orcish figure known as one of the Aspers they were predestined to lead their village but ran away at a young age. They possess the ability to 'split' that is to share damage and sickness and illness amongst people. this ability is severly underdeveloped Asper can mostly only split minor wounds between one or two people, they can and have taken more damage but not without great personal risk to themselves (see CONTACTS, RELATIONS & OTHER AFFILIATIONS)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Asper has warmer green skin with the tell-tale brow and cheek ridges that most orcs do. They also have the white vitiligo markings of an asper which sit over their brows and cheeks, and also aross their shoulders. They have two small diamond shaped scars above their breast and to the left of their stomach, which were gained from spitting Wylde's moral wound where he was struck by an arrow.

Special abilities


As one of the Aspers, Asper too has the ability to 'split' illnesses and wounds amoungst people. If someone is damaged they can elect to take on half of the wound, if they are around other people they can spit it between up to two other people with the damage lessening more each person is invoved, a wound can only be split once.   When Asper uses their power they struggle to find the line of how much damage they can take. Their guilt at abandoning their clan makes them too over-eager to jump in and heal too often.

Specialized Equipment

Asper is equipt with a silver dagger inscripted with a protection spell, it is able to damage most types of monsters but is very short range. They also have a juniper wood bow and leather bow quiver.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Asper was born with the Deer Thicket clan of orcs, they were born the first child to loving parents. They were born with the characteristics of the Aspers and so line with Orcish Faith they too were given the title and name of 'Asper'.    Asper's healing ability manifested at a young age when they were running with other children and tripped skinning their knee. Another child helped them to their feet when Asper split the injury, giving the child half of the scrape. This meant that they would be able to take on the role of the new Asper, and act as a leader and guide for their community. It also meant that the current Asper would be able to pass away after many decades of service, and so they began training alongside the current Asper.    Asper loved to run and play and adventure which is something they would not be able to do when made a leader, this scared them and closer they came to age, and the closer they came to transfering power, and the more nervous they became. The days before they could not eat or sleep to overcoem with the feeling of doubt and guilt. Their only reprieve would come in the dead of night when they would sneak out of their village and run as far as they could across the tundra until the sun came up and they fell back giddy and exhausted amoungst the grass, before making the long trudge home. The day before the transfer Asper consulted with the old Asper and expressed their remorse, the old Asper simply told them that they could not live in a half state they needed to fully commit to their destiny or turn away, they could not care for a village while resenting its people. Asper bade their goodbyes and packed their possessions. The villages tried to stop them from leaving but Asper was much too fast for them now. They rand from their destiny, their village, their family and home and took off across the plains one final time.    Alone and new to the outside world Asper struggled greatly to fit in, understanding little about the world Asper chose to steal from the Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide market, they ver chased by the vendor and straight to Vassidy who smoothed things over, and took Asper under her wing, impressed by their speed and their healing ability Vassidy brought Asper into the Barrel Scrapers where they worked along side her before taking off to become a runner, acting as a courier for smuggled goods.

Gender Identity

Asper, was born with intersex characteristics like most Aspers and like most Aspers they identify as being nonbinary, which has not changed their entire life.


Asper is Pansexual.


Asper currently works as a runner for Vassidy with the Barrel Scrapers although thing between them are far more distant than they used to be Vassidy still veiws Asper as their surrogate child.

Personality Characteristics


Asper Intitally wants to meet with this strange man who they saved the life of and in return potentially tried to kill them.    They then meet Sloan and want him to convince King Arvid  to give them free passage to and from the city of Zentawen  As they forge a bond with Sloan they take on his motivation of wanting to save the people of Zentawen because it;s the right thing to do.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Asper needs to be able to come and go as they please, they are fiercely independent and hate being told what to go and being led around. Their staunch need to protect their self intrests makes them defensive about having any kind of stability be it home, relationships or community. They fear the possibility of coming up innadequete if they allow themselves to be vunerable. Their selfisheness protects them from that.    By the same token they have an intense desire to be loved by others which makes them push themselves to extreame levels to be of use to others, the almost kill themselves splitting damage with Wylde when the first meet him, they continue to run for Vassidy even though it hold them back from doing meaningful things with their life, and they agree to help Sloan on his quest only moments after meethign him.    They were destined to be a leader but use their fear of indequecy to rule their actions and deceive them into thinking they are only good at caring for themselves,    Asper's arc is about Helping others and learning to be loved in spite of your shortcomings. It's about stepping in to guide others even if you are scared or feel that you aren't enough. it's about negotiating independence with teamwork.

Virtues & Personality perks

Asper is incredibly compassionate and loving, they hate seeing people suffer and will go to extream lengths to try to alliviate others pain.   They are resourceful and knowledgeable about the world, and also have a great deal of respect for other and other cultures.   They have a laid back go with the flow attitude in the face of problems provided that responsibility of resolution does not fall to them.

Personality Quirks

Asper will un braid and rebraid when they are feeling put out and uncomfortable. If they are too uncomfortable they will up and leave the situation.


Contacts & Relations

Asper is a member of the Barrel Scrapers whilst working with them as an enforcer they came across rumors that a village of socerors had been razed by the Brotherhood of Tarn. When Asper and the scrapers arrived they saw indeed that the village had been burned to the ground and everyone was dead with the exeption of a alone man buried under the rubble of his house. They unearthed the man and saw that he had fatal wounds burns across his back, cuts all over his body and two arrow wounds in his chest. Asper jumped to the mans' side to comfort him but Vassidy wanted to give him a mercy killing. they argued culminating with Asper splitting the wounds of the man, his wounds were so deep that Asper themselves almost died by proxy of the damage. Asper awoke several days later in Umpton with Vassidy at their bedside. Vassidy was furious and told Asper that it was their job to nurse the man back to health as he had been brought with them.    Asper spent weeks tending to the man who was barely coherent or too depressed to speak one day they came into his room to see that he had simply vanished.    years later Asper was tasked with helping the scrapers escort a train through the Elven Network Trade Route they arrived at the enterence to meet the man again, he introduced himself as Wylde but seemed not to remember them. the train took off and was attacked in the tunnel. while under attack there was a break in the tunnel and Wylde took to opportunity to push Asper off the train, saving their life.    The only survivor of the incident aside from Wylde himself, Asper was sent by Vassidy to track him down for answers.

Family Ties

Asper has not seen their family since they left their village as an adolescent. Although they dearly wish they could go back and make peace with them a part of them feels they will never be enough to fufuill the role as Asper.

Religious Views

Asper subscribes to the views of Orcish Faith although they feel conflicted about stepping abck from their sacred duty as one of the Aspers

Social Aptitude

Asper has an alright way with people, they are charming to a degree but unable to form close attachments.
Divine Classification
Religious leader (former)
Current Status
Looking for Wylde the sorceror
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
24th of Generosity, 808 EoM
Current Residence
Asper is an asper which culturally makes them Nonbinary
dark brown, waist-length, braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light green skinned with white patches
90 kg
Orcish Faith
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Asper is able to speak Orcish, Common West, some Coastal Common and a small amount of Trow Goblin.

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