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Vassidy Whitlow

Vassidy Cordelia Whitlow

Rough around the edges and no-nonsense Vassidy is armed with lifetime of experience in the land's criminal underground. On the fringes of society (where she likes it) Vass has cut her teeth in the black market working in drug-running, thievery, smuggling and bootlegging. At present she heads her own gang the Barrel Scrapers who specializes in smuggling Contraband Items in and out of city borders.   Her homestead is unknown, but she walks into almost situation with the ease of a local and she seems to have a pair of eyes in every corner of the country. Because she is so thoroughly connected she takes care not to suly any professional relationship without good cause. she inspires loyalty wherever she goes but will only hold one loyalty herself- and that is to her wallet.   She is not forthcoming with information with herself but several of her network speculate that she was part of the founders of Rakside/ The Rakes' Hide, others speculate that she is from a faraway land, or that she maybe came from the elves.   Vassidy has been successful in the dealings of her gang and as a result own numerous assets, including boats, steeds and a base of operations in Umpton . Until the Wreck of the barrel scrapers bootleg train Vass was able to until the Elven Network Trade Route but without this asset she is sorely trying to recoup her losses, and is seeking Wylde the Soceror to get her pound of flesh.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vassidy is a solidly-built, olive skinned woman with soft, light green eyes, ears that stick out, puffy cheeks, a square jaw and large nose. She wears dramatic eyeliner and subtle lipstick

Body Features

Vaasidy lost her thumb and forefiner in her younger years when working as a digger exploring the tunnel systems. She was using a wrist cannon strapped to her arm to clear boulders when the unit expoloded. she wears a mechanical prosthetic which thanks to power crystals are able to make rudimentary movements.

Apparel & Accessories

Vassidy wears fine, but lived in clothes. She only ever wears what is practical and would never be caught dead in a skir. Her signature look is slacks with a loose top, a stack of beaded necklaces and a pirate-like overcoat.

Mental characteristics


Vassidy manages the Barrel Scrapers her work mainly revolves around delegating resources, managing her assets, communicating with clients and setting up contracts to give to her runners and enforcers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Vassidy was a key developer in unearthing smaller tunnels and pathways along the Elven Network Trade Route, in doing this her and several others were able to create their own independent trade system free from royal control. As well as a means for people to efficiently travel long distances at their own risk.

Personality Characteristics



Virtues & Personality perks

Vassidy is not nearly as much of a tough, uncompromising person as the persona she projects. She has a lot of empathy for people, particularly those who are struggling or down on their luck, she shares this with Asper in that she hates to see people needlessly suffer. This drive is what caused her to take Morturn and Asper under her wing. And to save Wylde's life after the Siege on the Wordon Homestead  going as far as to work with him on occasion.   Asperis her secret soft-spot as she has no ability to say no to them or the things they want.


Contacts & Relations

Vassidy views both Asper and Morturn as her shady orcish surrogate children, although she would never admit it. At some stage she had hoped they would get along and even take over the business. But now she is more content settign Morturn to run things while Asper does their own thing.  

Pit Fighters

Although disaproving of the practice and ethics of The Pit Fighters Vassidy understands their place in the economy, she's sees them a neccessary evil and would rather work with them rather than against. Althoug she does not partake in the trade of fighters she will smuggle goods for them. In return they offer her a reserve of man power and a quick way of disposing of her enemies.

Religious Views

Vassidy is part of the Xegruni faith although she does not advertise this she does keep a small indoor shrine in her office at Umpton, as well as a small totem around her neck.


Vassidy carries around a box of toothpicks whenever she need to play up nonchalance she will pull one out begin to pick at her teeth.
Current Residence
Barrel Scrapers Base
dark blue
curly brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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