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Batty is a strange child adrtift in a stranger world. Batty is unique, an oddity amongst other oddities. In the custody of the The Pit Fighters Batty is kept as something to be gawked at for petty coins. Although Goblins in the land are rare most people have at least heard of the Trow Goblin, who make up virtually all of the goblin population. But Batty is a Murklin Goblin who's kind inhabit the deep grottos and dark caves of far off lands east of the Coastal Islands. As such Batty may very well be the only murklin goblin in the entire kingdom and something that whets a curious appetite in ordinary people.   He spends his time carted around by the Pit Fighters as one of their captured monster trophies and has an assigned cariidge in their caravan only for him, in between cities he is allowed to roam the campsite but an anchanted anklet prevents him from travelling too far from the caravan. Batty has formed a lot of close relationships with the captive monsters and stands on uneasy but not hostile terms with a lot of the humans in the organisation. Although he is bound to the campsite he also does not show any signs of attempting to escape or desire to change anything regarding his situation. Although he does exist in the world he does not prominently feature in the story but rather as a side story that takes place following the main story events

Physical Description

Body Features

He is small in statuture even when compared with Trow Goblin children. This is due to his Murklin Goblin genes but makes him look younger than he is. Batty has swampy green-blue skin, deep purple veins and thin almost translucent body hair. He has double jointed shoulders and elbows and is extremely flexible. He has a prehensile tail that attaches just above his hips and ends in a lion-like gift of hair. Batty has large funnel-like bat ears which are able to move independently of each other. He also has short, sharp claws

Facial Features

Batty has large yellow eyes with slitted pupils that can rapidly shift to adjust to light. He has a flesh pointed bat-like notes with large nostrils, and a bottom lip that sticks out and tapers to a point, similar to vampire bats.

Physical quirks

Batty prefers not to walk upright when possible as crouching and moving on all fours feels more intuitive.

Special abilities

Due to his large eyes, ears and nose Batty has amazing senses and near-perfect night vision. He can see at great distances and in almost no light he is however less able to pick up colour as it is far more muted to his eyes. Batty can screech loudly in extreme disctress which temporarily incapacitates those around him, he cannot use this frequently as it can damage his voice. His tail gives him amazing balance and his small slight stature and deep-hued skin makes him a master of sneaking as he is able to drop into shadows and practically disappear.  Batty, like all Goblins possesses the ability to enter into a primal, beastly rage.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a brass anklet inscribed with magic scripture its light weight and discreet, when the anklet moves too far away from its tether point, in its case it is Batty's trailer it drags him back to the point.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Batty was born in a distant land among other murklin goblins, the circumstances are unknown but Batty came to live with a crew of pirates. The crew may have initially kept him as a novelty but it quickly became apparent they had no idea how to care for a goblin toddler. The crew sailed to meet the pitfighters who were taking money from socerers to transport them from the kingdom. At this time the Brotherhood of Tarn had been gaining new jurisdiction to police magic-users. Following their development of power crystals and partnership with King Arvid . The pirate crew met with the Pitfighters to discuss the bottom line of smuggle people and Batty was thrown in to balance their checkbook, he has been with them ever since.

Intellectual Characteristics

Batty has been very stilted developmentally, His lack of meaningful interactions with people has left him with little communication skills both verbally and in body language. He can say some important words from his experiences (fish, food, hurt) but struggles to is far better at understanding than expressing. Batty cannot ready body language well, and often will stare with a blank expression rather than emote and will be come startled if touched suddenly.   Batty also lacks a lot of emotional regulation ability, When overwhelmed he can easily lash out and go into a rage. Or if someone shows him affection he will crave attention and become clingy.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Batty likes catching insects some he'll keep as pets like beetles and moths an some like grubs are a snack. Batty like all children loves sugar and will do almost anything for a sweet.

Vices & Personality flaws



Contacts & Relations

Batty meets Sloan Du Mar when he is pushed to fight in the The Pit Fighters games. The find an unlikely companion in each other and Sloan takes Batty in and gives him his name. Once freed Batty meets up with Asper who becomes a calming prescience for him.


Batty can only use a few words that are necessary to communicate his needs he struggles with pronounciations and word recollection, but is highly adaptable.
Date of Birth
Day 3 of Solitude, 848 EoM
Yellow and slitted
Cropped unevenly hangs shaggily about his shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Swampy blue-grey
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Due to his stunted development Batty only speaks broken common

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