
The Boat species is native to the planet of Oceania. They are all descendent of The Great Cruiseliner.  

Physical Characteristics

  Boats are exactly what they sound like. Sentient boats. They glide through the seas like humans walk on land. You would think land is an obstacle to Boats. It is not. Faced with land, Boats have developped the ability to hover a few inches above the ground.   Boats communicate with their horns or any sort of beeping they can manifest from their navigation utensils. Scientists are still hard at work to try and understand their language.


  A Boat's size grows massively with age. The eldest of all Boats, the Great Cruise Liner, is three millenia old. Here is a helpful table to understand the correlation between age and size.
Age Boat
1 - 55 Small two person fishing boat
55 - 150 Riverboat
150 - 250 Large Yacht, or large fishing boat
250 - 400 Commercial Barge or Ferry
500 - etc etc
Scientific Name
Homo Shipus
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Boat


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