Dare 2 Desire

Dare 2 Desire, or D2D, was a boy band that travelled Known Space for a few months in 200.000 and 200.001  


  After releasing their first album "Oh I love you so much baby", the band went on tour to promote it. In spite of the lukewarm reviews, the band seemed in good spirits. For the first few months of their tour, D2D remained largely in their home system of Grumman's World.  


  After a few gigs, journalists began to report on the fact that in the hours following a D2D concert, there would be wide scale criminal activitiy in the neighbourhood. Previously completely normal people would begin to loot and rob. When asked, the culprits would cite an "Overwhelming desire for violence" that they could not explain.   Several planets cancelled their D2D concerts, which only drew more attention to the band. They began to book larger and larger venues, becoming a real interplanetary sensation.  

End of the band

  In 200,001, several Future Club contesants infiltrated the hotel where the band were preparing themselves before their gig on Tipitina Station. They seemed to be looking for an explanation for the rioting and looting in connection with the band. After a brutal firefight which also involved a third, mysterious man, the Future Club contestants absconded with the lead singer Kirk Krimes and with the guitarist's large silver guitar.   The guitarist was found deceased in his room, after posting a series of incendiary tweets implicating the bassist in a series of child molestations and the manager Karena Kareno in the coverup. Soon after the story broke out, the Orkyn drummer Kal'Ork publicly announced that he discovered he was not being paid as much as the rest of the band, referring to them as "speciesist" and himself as being "available if anyone needed a drummer". The singer was never seen again.   After a number of lawsuits piled on top of each other, the bassist's limp body was found in his lavish house. It appeared to have been deceased for a number of years.   There have been rumours that the guitarist's guitar was actually an ancient axe belonging to a long sleeping Warlord from a warmongering civilisation that had collapsed some millenia ago. This axe supposedly allowed the weilder to create a powerful psychic field of aggression on the people surrounding them.

200000 - 200001

Entertainment, Music band


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