Dr Maths

Dr Mathis Maths is a human scientist who claims to have cracked the Eternity Formula, a potentially pan-dimensional approach to math that could revolutionize the way we conceive the world.  

Early Life

  Mathis Maths grew up the son of a couple of academics on [Calcurtha. Not many opportunities for education or academic grants were available on the impoverished and crime ridden planet, so the family moved around a lot, chasing financing.   Mathis showed an aptitude for Algebra and complex formulas early on, and became a doctor of quantum mathematics in 199.968.  

The Eternity Formula

  Dr Maths found a home on HP - LVC , a small planet near the Rift. There, exposed to creatures and strange happenings due to the influence of the Rift, he began to develop his theory for the Eternity Formula.   Over a decade, he drew more and more attention to himself as he made progress. The Formula aimed to create a new form of math, a pan dimensional approach, that could transcend 3D space.  


  In 199.987, his appartements were attacked by a group of well armed men belonging to the WarMongers. After murdering several of his friends, they took him off world, to Asteroid P3-N15.   There, they forced him to work on their various weapons program and biotech engineering.  

Ten Days

  In recovered files from the WarMongers base, there are details of ten days in 199.999 where the organisation lost track of Dr Maths. He was experimenting on dangerous portal based travel and seemingly disappeared.   He reappeared in the shuttle bay, long after they had given up on finding him. Other reports describe him as changed. While he had been docile and compliant before, he became very enthusiastic and boisturous.   


  In 200.001, he was rescued by a collection of Future Club operatives and taken to ARKORP, while his research was taken by other operatives to Venom Inc.   In his report, operative Frank N Stein explained that Dr Maths was no longer what he would call human. Instead, he had become something else, something dark. He reported Dr Maths being unaffected by pain or by grievous wounds, as well as some of his limbs turning into "tentacles". It is unclear how far along he is in the development of his formula.
Current Status
In ARKORP custody
Current Location
Year of Birth
Related Reports


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