
Dock Worker

  Before joining the Future Club , Eyez worked the docks. A large creature with strong arms, he was never short of work. He was noticed by local enforcers and syndicates who took him under their wing, giving him a glimpse of the underworld. Not averse to hurting people, he impressed the local kingpin and worked for him for a number of years. After a couple of turns in prison, he was working the docks less, in favour of cracking skulls for dangerous people.   He woke up one day stuck in a large container with a number of other strangers, and was told to fight to the death. This was the start of Future Club.  

Future Club

After a number of bloody missions, Eyez has established himself as one of the most dangerous contestants of the organisation. He has murdered his way accross a great many worlds, a great many species, with no intention of stopping.
Current Status
In critical condition
yes, often
Aligned Organization
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